Prophetic Empowering Everyday Women Prophetic Empowering Everyday Women

God has spoken a word over you

There is a prophetic promise over your life, and it is irrevocable. That means it cannot be changed or reversed. It is final. In other words, God—and not your circumstances, however they may look—has the final say. So, stand on His promises and trust His word no matter what!

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devotion Empowering Everyday Women devotion Empowering Everyday Women

It will surely come!

Have you ever been in limbo, waiting for an answer, solution, or breakthrough? If so, you know that seasons like this can be frustrating. Terribly so. But if you don’t give up hope and patiently wait in faith, God will faithfully perform His word. Surely, breakthrough is coming!

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praise & worship Empowering Everyday Women praise & worship Empowering Everyday Women

Praise for your Promise!

Praise in advance for the manifestation of your promise. Don’t wait until you see it. Receive this word, and rejoice like you’ve already got your breakthrough. In today’s powerful word of encouragement, Dianna Hobbs stirs faith for fulfillment into your cup of inspiration!

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encouragement Empowering Everyday Women encouragement Empowering Everyday Women

Discouraged? God’s not done

Things may not look the best today. Prayer requests may still be unanswered. But God’s not done. Not done blessing you. Not done increasing you. Not done opening doors for you. Not done healing you. Not done restoring you. Not done making an example out of you for His glory!

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devotion Empowering Everyday Women devotion Empowering Everyday Women

God did not forget

God has spoken forever promises over you. They will never reach their date of expiration but will surely reach a date of manifestation. Due season is coming for you, and when it arrives, you will know beyond any doubt that God is a promise-keeper. He is a faithful God.

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devotion Empowering Everyday Women devotion Empowering Everyday Women

God’s vow cannot be broken

It can be so hard to cling to faith when circumstances look bad, when the wait has been long, and when you feel overwhelmed by the attack of the enemy. It can be tough to wrap your head around the promises of God, but remind yourself that He never breaks a promise!

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divine promises Empowering Everyday Women divine promises Empowering Everyday Women

God's promises are for you!

Don’t let life circumstances make you forget that the promises in God’s word are for you. He has not forgotten you or overlooked your situation. Today, take ownership of the good things He says in Scripture. Believe that you will receive what He says. And watch what God does!

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