The God Who Goes Before Us
In this powerful devotion, Your Daily Cup writer Dianna Hobbs says, trust God’s timing—He goes before you, clears obstacles, and fulfills His promises. Your breakthrough is coming!
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Over the weekend, my husband Kenya and I were clearing out my office as it undergoes updates. We make a great team on these small, weekend warrior projects that require a bit of muscle and sweat equity.
After we finished moving the bigger, heavier items, we started on the smaller objects. Near the end of our task, as I was carrying a couple of lightweight things and heading out the door, Kenya said, “Wait a minute. Let me go before you so I can open the door for you.”
I jokingly responded, “Yes, God!” as it reminded me of something the Lord might say. Kenya, always quick to catch on, joined in and said, “Yes, Lord. Continue going before us and opening doors.” We both chuckled at my incurable churchiness. Being a preacher’s kid and a preacher at heart, I often find a spiritual thread in just about any situation.
That brief, lighthearted conversation lingered in my heart and mind long after Kenya and I finished up. I couldn’t help but think about how God truly does promise to go before us, open doors, fight our battles, remove obstacles, and guide us through every stage of life.
If you’re reading this and facing obstructions, hindrances, or roadblocks on your path to destiny, God sent me to assure you: You have no need to worry, for He goes before you! He is your rock, your guide, your unwavering support.
God's Foresight and Sovereignty
I love what the Lord says in Isaiah 45:2: “I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron.” These powerful words, spoken by God through the prophet Isaiah, hold a profound significance that echoes across the centuries.
This prophetic text from the Old Testament is particularly notable because it speaks of Cyrus the Great, the Persian king who would later allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple after their exile in Babylon. Consider this: When God spoke these words, my friend, Cyrus hadn't even been born yet, and Israel was not yet in exile. This is remarkable, given that the prophecy was written approximately 150 years before Cyrus came to power. This showcases the profound foresight and sovereignty of God in orchestrating history. Wow, right?
This mind-boggling demonstration of God's omniscience underscores the unshakable certainty of His promises. Isaiah 45, which God is using to encourage you today, is predicting the future deliverance of Israel from exile even before the exile had happened. Think about it: He reassured His chosen servants that He was in control and had already planned their restoration through Cyrus, long before these events unfolded.
For a moment, put yourself in the shoes of Isaiah's contemporaries. Imagine the astonishment of hearing the name of a king who had not yet been born, of a nation that had not yet risen to power, and of a people who had not yet gone into captivity. If this isn't a display of God's awe-inspiring sovereignty, then I don't know what is!
“God told me to tell you that He doesn’t just meet you in your struggles; He goes before you and ensures the solution is already in place. Don’t worry, friend!”
No Matter How Long
Today’s powerful text reminds us that when God declares something, no matter how long it takes, it will—indeed, it must—come to pass. Time is no barrier to the fulfillment of God's word. The same God who declared this prophetic promise 150 years before it was fulfilled is faithful to bring to fruition the word He spoke over your life long ago.
Scripture assures us that He keeps His covenant “to a thousand generations” (Deuteronomy 7:9). His faithfulness endures through the ages, a rock-solid foundation for our hope.
Perhaps the enemy has been needling you, poking at you, trying to discourage you because so much time has passed since God made a promise to you. That’s not surprising. Satan desperately hopes that you'll lose hope and believe that the prophecy has expired. But God's promises do not expire; they merely wait for the appointed time of fulfillment.
I dare you to defiantly let the enemy know, “No matter how long it takes, I still believe God!”
Ah, there it is.
A Spiritual Arrow
Today, I believe God has sent me as a spiritual archer, aiming this word, a spiritual arrow, at the deception of your adversary. And this is the spiritual arrow that God sent to pierce through doubt, fear, and deception: Grass withers and flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever! (Isaiah 40:8).
His word is eternal, unchanging, and utterly reliable—no matter how long it takes. Ask Abraham how long it took for God to perform His promise of an heir. God made the promise when Abraham was 75 years old, but Isaac wasn't born until Abraham was 100. That's 25 long years of waiting. But it happened, didn't it?
Ask Joseph how long it took for God to fulfill His promises of leadership and prosperity. God gave Joseph prophetic dreams when he was just 17, but he didn't become second-in-command of Egypt until he was 30. That's 13 years of slavery and prison. But it happened, didn't it?
Ask the Israelites how long it took for God to give them the Promised Land. God made the promise to Abraham around 1800 B.C., but Israel didn't possess the land until around 1400 B.C. under Joshua's leadership. That's 400 years of slavery and wandering. But it happened, didn't it?
While God's promises may take time to fulfill, they will indeed come to pass. The wait may be long and challenging, but God is always faithful to His word.
Never Out of Control
Listen, whatever your struggle, God isn’t surprised by it at all. You see, before the problem even shows up, God has already created the solution. God has already been there before you get there.
Isn’t it encouraging to know that God is never out of control, even when your life circumstances seem chaotic? He is the master weaver, even of the most tangled threads of life. He is sovereign and has a good plan for your restoration. So, hang in there!
Cling to His promises, and never lose sight of His faithfulness. Your breakthrough is coming, for God is the One who goes before you and gives you these bold promises—that He is leveling mountains and shattering barriers.
To further encourage your heart, I’m stirring a portion of Isaiah 45:19 (NLT) as the sweetener in your cup of inspiration. God declares this unto you: “I publicly proclaim bold promises. I do not whisper obscurities in some dark corner.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, latch onto His bold promises and don’t let go. Receive the confirmation He has sent and expect to see change. Grab hold of faith and don’t waver, for surely God will do just what He said He would do!
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for assuring me that the words You have spoken over my life will come to pass, for You are faithful to keep Your covenant. When discouragement creeps in, and the enemy whispers his desperate lies of doubt and defeat, please put me in remembrance of Your bold promises, Your consistent faithfulness, and Your inability to fail. By faith, I thank You for my victory that’s already on the way! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!