Praise In A Foreign Land
Discover how to choose joy and hold onto praise in the midst of trials. Through personal testimony and biblical examples, learn to bless God's name at all times and trust in His sovereignty.
Praise for your Promise!
Praise in advance for the manifestation of your promise. Don’t wait until you see it. Receive this word, and rejoice like you’ve already got your breakthrough. In today’s powerful word of encouragement, Dianna Hobbs stirs faith for fulfillment into your cup of inspiration!
When you don’t understand why…praise!
Hard and confusing times will come. That’s unavoidable. Disappointments will try to rob you of faith, snatch away your joy, and steal your song. But you don’t have to let disappointment and discouragement win. Keep on singing, pushing forward, trusting God, and expecting deliverance.
Command your soul to praise the Lord
God has been good. His mercy is new every day. You may not have everything you want, but God keeps on supplying your needs. Every day isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but the Lord gives you joy in the midst of sorrow. He gives you peace in confusion. Command your soul to bless His name!