Apply faith pressure!
Don’t know what to do about a situation that’s troubling you? Feeling tense and stressed out? Has the enemy been making you feel like you’ll never get that supernatural release and breakthrough for which you have been longing?
If so, this word is for you. Apply some faith pressure and watch what God will do!
Last week, I was wincing and grimacing from the pain of pressing on my myofascial trigger points. These are just sensitive areas of tight muscle fibers.
Applying pressure to tender spots might seem foolish, but amazingly, doing so relieves tightness and tension.
I knew it was time to press on those trigger points after a workout left my back extra tense. So, I used my son Kedar’s Theragun—a massage device that gets rid of tension and soreness in the muscles—to press into the sore spots.
Child, ouch!
That’s all I have to say about that.
The massager, with its various vibrating settings, provides both surface level and deep tissue work, and I chose to go deep. After a few minutes, I wanted to take the pressure off my aching back and chuck that Theragun out the window!
However, I kept going and two days later was rewarded with greater flexibility and less soreness while doing a Pilates routine.
Pressing into the pain released my back.
After I was done working out and still dripping sweat, I heard the voice of the Lord clearly say: “Tell My people that the process of getting a release can be just as painful—and sometimes more so—as remaining bound. But if you press through the pain and refuse to give up, you will receive a divine release.”
The blessing is in the pressing!
This is something we learn from the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:25-34. She had been constantly bleeding for 12 long years, and natural doctors with all their expertise could offer no relief. But this woman knew who to go to: Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
But getting to Jesus required pressing. Physically pressing through the crush of people. Psychologically pressing through the stigma of her condition. And emotionally pressing through the fear of what may be waiting on the other side of her decision to break the law.
According to Mosaic Law, she was ceremonially unclean, and anything and anyone who touched her would be made unclean, too (Leviticus 15:25). By law, she was supposed to stay away from folks, not insert herself into a crowd and touch Jesus, the sinless, spotless, Lamb of God. It took some real gumption, chutzpah, and guts to do what she did. Most of all, it took faith to press through her pain and believe.
“God is challenging you to push past every doubt, fear, and worry, and choose faith. When you believe, He releases miracles!”
After this woman audaciously touched Jesus’ garment and received her healing, He asked who touched Him. That’s when she fell at His feet trembling with fear (v. 33). This woman not only reverenced Jesus, but she was shaking in her boots, terrified of the consequences of her actions. She hadn’t done what she was supposed to do: sequester herself; bring two birds—either turtledoves or pigeons—to the priest to offer as a sacrifice; and be formally declared clean (Leviticus 15:28-30).
She was totally out of line. Nevertheless, Jesus, the embodiment of grace, demonstrated that faith, not the keeping of the law, is what obtains purification and salvation. Thus, Jesus told her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering” (v. 34).
This woman applied some faith pressure to her pain point and got a supernatural release.
I wonder, what’s your pain point? Your trigger point? Your pressure point? Your area of agony? Trauma? Tragedy? Sensitivity? What makes you feel down and discouraged? Is it your health? Finances? Relationships? Job? Business? Ministry? Emotions?
Whatever your trigger point is, put some faith pressure on it, and your trigger point will become your turning point.
Watch God turn it around. Watch Him make a way. Watch Him heal your body. Watch Him increase your finances. Watch Him bless you with a new and better job. Watch Him bring patrons to your business.
Watch Him send you the help you need. Watch Him grant you access into places that were once closed off to you. Watch Him command others to bless you. Watch Him release a harvest from the seeds you have sown over the years.
Apply faith pressure to every life pressure, and God will bless you!
To remind you of the power of your faith, I’m stirring a sweetener into your cup of inspiration found in Matthew 17:20 NASB, where Jesus said: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, resist fear and press into faith. Doing so will trigger miracles, deliverance, breakthrough, and the supernatural shift you’ve been waiting to see.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for reminding me that faith is the key that unlocks every door. During troubling, painful, and distressing times, when I am facing negative pressure from all sides, help me apply faith pressure to the situation and place my confidence in You, the One who still performs miracles! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!