God is causing something good to happen
Yesterday, a much-needed health-related item came in the mail. When my husband Kenya told me that it had been delivered, I was both shocked and happy because it was not scheduled to arrive so soon.
I had prepared myself for an extended waiting period and was quite joyful when the delivery time was significantly shortened. I am so used to delays, especially these days, because shipping issues in America are common due to supply chain disruptions.
I’ve gotten used to things arriving late, not ahead of schedule!
Sometimes, in our lives, problems, setbacks and delays become common, right? And when they occur frequently, over time, we train our minds to expect them. Our thinking gets conditioned a certain way, and we begin expecting the worst.
This can happen both naturally and spiritually.
But, in our walk of faith, God doesn’t want us to expect the worst. He wants us to trust Him for good things like expedited breakthroughs, answered prayers, miraculous turnarounds, and surprising divine interventions.
In Acts 12:1-18, at a period in history when terrible things were occurring, God caused something good to happen. In this text, we find believers being persecuted after Jesus had risen and ascended back to Heaven. Ruthless King Herod had taken the life of one of Jesus’ disciples, James, the brother of John, who was brutally murdered by the sword (v. 2).
If that weren’t bad enough, the Apostle Peter was next on Herod’s hit list. He was arrested and imprisoned.
So, the church held a prayer meeting at the house of Mary, the mother of John. Scripture said a whole lot of the saints showed up. And while they were there praying for Peter, an angel of the Lord appeared in Peter’s cell, broke the chains off his wrist, and miraculously escorted Peter out of the secure prison, undetected by the guards (vv. 5-10).
When Peter knocked on the door of the home where the saints of God were gathered in prayer, they had no idea that a supernatural jailbreak had happened. When a servant girl named Rhoda delivered the news that Peter was at the door knocking, do you know what the response of these faith-filled prayer warriors was?
“You’re out of your mind,” they told Rhoda, according to verse 15.
Whenever I read this Bible story, I find it hilarious that believers were praying for a breakthrough but didn’t believe it when their breakthrough showed up! Why do we do this? Why do we ask God to show up mightily but fail to expect supernatural manifestation?
“God wants you to trust Him for good things. He’s going to grant you expedited breakthroughs, answered prayers, and miraculous turnarounds. Just apply some faith pressure to your situation! ”
Friend, when you pray, don’t forget to believe and declare by faith that God is causing something good to happen! Something good is about to happen in your health, in your finances, in your relationships, on your job, in your business, in your home, in your ministry, in your mind, in your emotions, in your life!
Expect rare breakthroughs like the one Peter experienced. He was in chains, heavily guarded, and locked up. There was no earthly way he could get out of that situation. But when the saints began knocking on Heaven’s door, God caused the answer to come knocking on their door.
For somebody reading this, God wants you to know that the delay is ending. A quicker-than-expected breakthrough is coming. God led you to this post to inform you that He is causing something rare and especially good to happen for you, because you’ve been praying and holding on to your faith.
To encourage you, I’m stirring the powerful reminder found in James 5:16 KJV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, know this: when you bombard Heaven with your faith, God responds on earth by His power. So, expect something good to happen for you. It’s on the way.
Now, let’s pray.
God, this is a prayer of thanksgiving for the miraculous breakthroughs, victories, and blessings that are on the way for me. I know that You respond to faith. And, since I believe You against all odds, I am confident that You will show up in a mighty way for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!