God will secure your steps
My 17-year-old son Kedar is a budding musician. He really enjoys playing the keyboard and acoustic guitar. He sounds so good, and I love hearing him play. I remember when he first began strumming his guitar regularly. After several days, he complained of soreness in his fingers.
After doing research, he learned that pain is a natural part of the process of learning to play the guitar. Pressing the soft tissue of the fingertips against the hard guitar strings causes trauma to the fingers. But the pain, he discovered, is temporary. You see, over time, the fingertips heal and toughen up by developing callouses. Once the skin hardens, the hard strings no longer hurt the fingers, because the skin is tougher.
So, a few days ago, Kedar was playing his guitar and took a break to let me feel his fingertips on his non-strumming hand. As I rubbed my fingertips across his, I noticed that his fingers felt rougher and more rugged than they did when he first began playing. And now that his skin has toughened, the pain he felt earlier in his process has subsided.
In life, pain is a natural part of growing, learning and transitioning. Though the process is unpleasant, if you don’t give up in those areas of discomfort, God will strengthen you, mature you, toughen you up, and make you better. He will empower you to endure the hard places and help you rise above the limitations of your circumstances.
This is what I’m finding out on my healing journey. Dealing with PTSD, a traumatic brain injury and anxiety seems overwhelming some days. But I’m learning daily to take things slowly, and trust God every step of the way. And you know what? The more I lean on the Lord, I personally discover the truth of Habakkuk 3:19 NIV which says, “The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.”
What a wonderful example of the strengthening power of God, right? This beautiful example came to life for me as I watched various videos of both deer and goats climbing rough, rocky, steep mountains. They scampered across almost vertical cliffs without falling, a feat that seemed impossible.
“God is taking you higher, and that is why you’re going through this transition. It may be hard, but God is ordering and securing your steps. You’ll make it through this victoriously!”
In one video, I observed a female deer and noted how she climbed. As she went up, she was able to put her back feet exactly where her front feet had been, making her steps extra secure. I marveled and thought about God’s promise in His word to make our feet secure like the feet of a deer, elevating us to high places. This encouraging assurance is also found in Psalm 18:33 that says, “He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.”
I want you to do what I do, and recall this passage whenever you are facing obstacles, uncertain times and are feeling insecure and unsure. It will remind you that you can trust God to make you surefooted and strong, so you can ascend to higher heights.
Through it all, know that God’s power is working in you. Therefore, the mountains that stand before you are no match for the strength that lies within you. You are more than a conqueror through Christ! The equipping power of the Holy Spirit has fortified you and given you a supernatural advantage. In places where others would get tripped up, stumble and fall, God will hold you up and lift you up.
Know this also: there are some mountains that He will anoint you to scale, while others, He will anoint you to speak to and watch them move out of your way. Whether climbing the mountain or speaking to it, both require faith. You must believe that God is with you. Believe that His promises will manifest. Believe that He is leading you. Believe that He goes before you. Believe that He will provide for you. Believe that He will make you surefooted. And believe that all things are possible through Him.
Today, I’m stirring Psalm 18:32 NIV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, walk through this season of life confidently, knowing that God is securing you, stabilizing you, increasing you, and moving you forward for the glory of His name. Even now, He is toughening your skin and securing your steps. When He is finished working on you, you will marvel at the level of favor He gives and how high He takes you.
Now, let’s pray.
God, I don’t always feel confident and secure within myself, but thank You for reminding me to place my confidence in You alone, the One who strengthens me. I praise You for equipping me and empowering me to do all things through You, the One for whom nothing is too hard! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!