Out the Mud
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“He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the mud; And He set my feet on a rock, making my footsteps firm.” (Psalm 40:2 NASB)
There’s this popular saying among some urban youth of today: “I got it out the mud.”
Ever heard that expression? It means that their hard work and dedication, blood, sweat and tears, helped them go from the bottom to the top. Despite not having entered the world with the proverbial “silver spoon” in their mouth, they want everyone to know, they made it anyway.
“Nobody handed me anything,” they say with pride. “I got it out the mud.”
They utter these words to distinguish themselves from “nepotism babies” which are persons that get sweet perks and privileges because of their family ties. When a parent with wealth, power, and influence leverages their connections and resources to benefit their children, those children are often referred to as nepotism babies. The idea is that privileged people don’t have to get it out the mud because they were born on the mountaintop thanks to their heritage.
Jephthah, easily one of the most obscure and overlooked faith hall-of-famers mentioned in Hebrews 11, certainly was not regarded as a nepotism baby. His story, found in Judges 11-12, reveals that he was a skilled warrior and the son of a prostitute. Jephthah’s origins closed doors rather than opened them.
His arrogant half-brothers, born to a different mother, shunned their own flesh and blood, telling Jephthah, “You are not going to get any inheritance in our family” (v. 3). Then they ran Jephthah out of his homeland, Gilead, forcing him to move to a place called Tob. Once there, Jephthah led a gang of scoundrels.
As unfair as it was for them to target and oust Jephthah because of his mother’s lifestyle and reputation, he took it all in stride. Even so, God didn’t overlook that injustice.
There’s a plot twist in the story.
When the Ammonites revolted against Israel, they needed Jephthah’s war skills to defeat these formidable opponents. So, those who originally ousted him were forced to eat humble pie and invite him back to fight against the Amalekites. The man that had been kicked out was sought out. The ones that pushed him out the door came knocking on Jephthah’s door.
That’s what a shift looks like. Hello, somebody?
In response to the invitation, Jephthah asked them, “Didn’t you hate me and drive me from my father’s house? Why do you come to me now, when you’re in trouble” (v. 7)?
“The enemy cannot steal your inheritance. What God has for you is for you, and you will receive ALL of it!”
The folks that thought Jephthah needed them, now needed him. They were so desperate for Jephthah’s help that they made him an unbelievably sweet offer. They said, if he came back to Gilead to fight, they would make him head over everyone. Jephthah could hardly believe it. But it happened, proving that God will make you the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). He will turn adversity into opportunity. He will convert trials into triumphs. He will get you out the mud and make you mighty for His glory.
Through Jephthah, God gave Israel the victory and gave us an amazing comeback story highlighting the Lord’s faithfulness.
Fascinatingly, Jephthah’s name means “whom God sets free” or the “breaker through.” And Tob—the place Jephthah went when they initially ran him out of town— means “good.”
That gets me excited, because what the enemy meant for evil, God is working it out for your good. What the enemy thought would bind you up, God is using it to set you free. You may be in “Tob” right now, but it’s all good. Although the adversary tried to break you down and kick you while you were down, then throw dirt on your name, God Himself is pulling you out the mud. You don’t even have to do it yourself.
You see, in the natural, friend, you might not be a nepotism baby, but spiritually, you are (1 Peter 2:9). You have been adopted into the royal family. Abba Father—Daddy God—the all-powerful One is pulling strings for you, His privileged child. Your Heavenly Father, who has more connections, resources, and power than anyone else, is using them to bless you. He told me to inform you that He’s turning His face and His favor toward you.
You ought to shout on that!
It doesn’t matter if people have mishandled you, expressed a low opinion of you, or tried to make you feel small. Your past does not matter; God has amazing plans for your future. The Lord is elevating you and will be glorified in you. Your come-up is on the horizon, and those who overlooked you will have to come looking for you.
Though the enemy hoped the adversity, struggles, betrayals, and vindictive plans would keep you in the mud forever, God sent me to tell you that He’s pulling you out… out the mud. Some folks who threw mud on you will watch God raise you from the dirt without a trace of filth on you.
To remind you of this truth, I’m stirring a sweetener into your cup of inspiration found in Psalm 113:7 (NET), which says, “He raises the poor from the dirt, and lifts up the needy from the garbage pile.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, God is preparing you for a come up but your enemy for a comeuppance. A comeuppance is a rebuke or penalty that is unpleasant. The chief adversary is receiving his comeuppance while God facilitates your come up.
Although you may be low today, elevation is on the way. You are a child of the King, a spiritual nepotism baby, who is anointed, appointed and called for such a time as this. In advance of your breakthrough, I’m going to nickname you “The Comeback Kid” because you’re about to bounce back from this setback in the biggest and best way possible.
Get ready!
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for lifting me up. In times when I feel stuck in a low place, please remind me that Your favor and blessings are perpetually pursuing me and that my season of elevation and breakthrough is inevitable.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!