An Eye-Opening Revelation
Discover how God is unveiling hidden opportunities and divine doors of promise right in front of you. This inspiring devotion from Dianna Hobbs reminds you that you have been strategically positioned by God for something far greater than you can imagine!
A few weeks ago, I found myself in a familiar scene: dropping my youngest daughter, Kaiah, off at a building on her campus. This was a routine stop—she visits this building several times a week for a specific course. Yet, as we idled in the car, she shared an amusing discovery from the day before.
Intrigued, I followed her pointing finger. "See that door right there?" she said. I nodded, my eyes landing on the entrance just a few steps from our parked car. "I just realized that was a door yesterday," Kaiah confessed. "I hadn't noticed it before."
She then gestured to a more distant door. "Because I didn't see the one right in front of me, I would walk all the way down there to get in."
We shared a laugh over Kaiah's recent habit of taking the long way, oblivious to the convenience right before her eyes.
"There's a word in that, daughter!" I exclaimed, my chuckle barely fading. Kaiah rolled her eyes playfully, familiar with my knack for finding spiritual lessons in the ordinary.
"Sometimes, there are doors right in front of us, but we can't see them," I told her.
But isn’t that the truth? How often do we miss the doors, opportunities, blessings, and openings that God places directly in our sight?
A Timely Word of Encouragement
This simple moment lingered in my spirit long after it passed, and today, I sense God urging me to share it with you. Listen closely, my friend: God is about to open your eyes to the doors of opportunity that have been available all along— the ones you haven't seen yet.
If life has you feeling stuck or as though your breakthrough is out of reach, let me encourage you: this is your season of revelation. God is revealing the ways He has already made for you—the paths that have been hidden until now.
A Perfect Illustration
Speaking of being blind to what’s right in front of us, I am reminded of the powerful story in 2 Kings 6:8-22. Though it is one I've covered many times before, it is the specific passage the Lord is pressing on my heart to share with you today.
“Somebody needs this reminder,” He said.
So, let’s get into this story.
During the tumultuous reign of King Aram over Syria, he waged war against Israel. But every time Aram plotted an ambush, God revealed his plans to the prophet Elisha. With divine insight, Elisha warned Israel’s king, allowing them to evade attack repeatedly. (vv. 8-10).
Frustrated, the Syrian king suspected a traitor in his ranks. When he learned that Elisha was the source of Israel’s foresight, Aram sent an army to capture the prophet, surrounding the city of Dothan where Elisha resided (vv. 11-14).
The next morning, Elisha’s servant awoke to find them encircled by an intimidating force and cried out in panic, “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” (v. 15).
Elisha’s calm reply carried divine confidence: “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (v. 16).
But the servant couldn’t see what Elisha saw. So, Elisha prayed, “Lord, open his eyes so that he may see” (v. 17). In an instant, God answered, and the servant’s eyes were opened to a breathtaking sight: the hills surrounding them were filled with horses and chariots of fire—God’s mighty heavenly army.
“Even when you can’t see it, you are surrounded by divine favor, overflowing blessings, and the host of heaven fighting on your behalf.”
I’m Praying This Over You
Friend, I am praying the same prayer for you—that God will open your eyes that you may see. See the host of heaven fighting for you. See the opportunities that have been right in front of you. See the ways God has already made for you to walk in. See His presence undeniably with you. See the open door.
I hear the Spirit of God saying that there is a door for you—reminiscent of the hidden, yet available, door Jesus spoke of in His message to the church in Philadelphia in Revelation 3:8: “I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.”
Philadelphia was a small but significant city along major trade routes in Asia Minor, a strategic gateway for spreading the gospel. Jesus commended the Philadelphian believers for their steadfast faithfulness, even though He said they had “little strength.”
They weren’t large or wealthy; they were a humble community with limited resources. But despite their circumstances, they held firmly to God’s word and did not deny His name.
Because of their faithfulness, Jesus promised them access to a divine opportunity—a door uniquely prepared for them, one that no man could close.
Somebody here has exercised great faithfulness in seasons of little strength—and this word is for you. Like Philadelphia, you may feel small, weak, or weary. But God is strategically positioning you for something far greater than you can imagine. The door He is opening is one perfectly aligned with His purpose for your life. You just can’t see it yet—but that’s about to change.
Critical Giving Opportunity
Give A Child the Gift of God’s Word
For just $5, you can help Dianna Hobbs and her ministry team to put Bibles in the hands of South African children who are desperate to receive the Word.
Give today and instantly change a life.
A Season of Revelation
Just as God opened the eyes of Elisha’s servant, He is about to open yours. He will reveal the hidden doors of opportunity, the divine ways prepared for you since the beginning. He will illuminate the paths that lead to His promises. He will unveil His strategies, showing you how His hand has been at work all along.
Are you ready for revelation? It’s coming! Today’s word is your divine heads-up. Therefore, to confirm this powerful truth, I’m stirring a portion of Daniel 2:28 as the sweetener in your cup of inspiration: “But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries...”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, get ready to see what only the great Revelator can show you. Prepare to walk through doors only the great Way-Maker can open—and no man can shut. Expect the impossible from the great Miracle-Worker, because He is about to do amazing things in your life.
Receive it by faith!
Now, let’s pray.
Lord, thank You for the doors You have already opened. I pray for the wisdom, faith, and divine insight to see the opportunities You have placed before me and the courage to walk through them. Help me to focus on Your strength rather than my own limitations and trust that You are always making a way. I praise You for the revelation and breakthrough that is to come! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
Watch the video for Dianna Hobbs’ worship anthem, “Don’t Know Why,” and be blessed!