God Will Give You Victory—Despite the Storm

Credit: Kromstar

Buffalo, where winters come with a vengeance and snow is practically a personality trait, doesn’t flinch at a storm. Last night, as the city braced for yet another onslaught of snow, our beloved hometown football team, the Buffalo Bills, faced an opponent of their own: Mother Nature.

Highmark Stadium was buried in a wintry mess, and the game was hanging in the balance. But this is Buffalo. Snowstorms don’t cancel games—they create opportunities for legends.

The team sent out a call to arms: “We need help digging out the field.” Within hours, fans showed up with shovels, boots, and the kind of energy that only Bills Mafia can muster. Sure, there were perks—$20 an hour, hot cocoa, and snacks—but let’s be real: this wasn’t about the incentives. This was about love. Love for the game, for the team, and for a city that doesn’t know the meaning of surrender.

For hours, these heroes shoveled through the swirling snow, transforming a tundra into a playable field. By kickoff, the slick turf was ready, and the stands were…well, still buried. But who needs clean seats when you’ve got diehard fans?

With layers upon layers of mismatched winter gear—and some shirtless—they trudged to their spots, plopped down on frozen mounds of snow, and cheered like their lives depended on it.

I get it. I’ve been there. Years ago, I went to a Bills game in the middle of a snowstorm. The wind was merciless, the seats were icebergs, and my fingers lost the will to live halfway through the first quarter. The snow beneath me seemed to sap every ounce of warmth from my body. Sitting there, I questioned my sanity more than once. But as I looked around, I saw fans who refused to let discomfort—or the storm—steal their joy. Their energy, their passion—it warmed me more than any hot drink could.

Last night, that same spirit was on full display. The Bills Mafia didn’t just show up; they made a statement. Snowstorms can’t stop us. Cold can’t scare us. This is Buffalo, where the snow falls, the fans rise, and love for the team keeps us warm—even when the temperature says otherwise.

By the way, our quarterback Josh Allen and our excellent team led Buffalo to a resounding victory over the 49ers—35 to 10—in the storm, baby. Go Bills!

You Need to Persevere

As I basked in our team’s victory, a thought struck me: if we can brave freezing temperatures, sit on snow-covered seats, and cheer through blinding flurries—all to root for our home team—how much more should we rise to the challenge when life’s storms roll in? The hardships we face may be uncomfortable, even overwhelming, but they carry a weight far greater than any game. They shape us, grow our faith, and lead us closer to God’s promises.

Hebrews 10:36 reminds us of this truth, urging us to endure: “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.”

The word “persevere” in its Hebrew context conveys steadfastness, constancy, and patient endurance. Strong’s Concordance further explains that in the New Testament, it describes the characteristic of someone who remains unswerving in their deliberate purpose and loyalty to faith and piety, even in the face of the greatest trials and sufferings.

This kind of endurance isn’t passive—it’s active. It equips us with grit, tenacity, and resilience to push forward through life’s storms. Just as Bills fans—affectionately called “Bill-ievers”—remain fiercely loyal to their team through the harshest conditions, we, as believers, are called to remain unwaveringly loyal to God. Our perseverance is never wasted; it leads to the fulfillment of His promises and, ultimately, victory.

Whether you’re a football fan or not, I believe God sent me to encourage you today: keep pushing, pressing, and persevering through the storm, my friend. You will see Him fulfill His Word.

No matter how things appear, be confident that your perseverance is not in vain. God will reward your faithfulness with great victories, special favor, and an abundant harvest. You will emerge with a testimony that God gave you victory despite the storm—just as He did for the disciples navigating stormy seas in Mark 6:45-52.

When the Wind is Against You

It wasn’t long after the disciples witnessed Jesus miraculously feed five thousand people with two fish and five loaves that they found themselves in a harrowing moment. Earlier that day, Jesus had received devastating news: John the Baptist, His forerunner—the prophet who prepared the way for Him—had been beheaded (Matthew 14).

Burdened by grief, Jesus sought solitude to pray. Yet, the multitudes found Him. Despite His heavy heart, the Bible tells us He was moved with compassion for them. He healed their sick, fed their hungry souls, and ministered to their needs. Afterward, longing for quiet communion with the Father, Jesus instructed the disciples to get into a boat and head toward Bethsaida without Him, while He stayed behind to pray.

They obeyed, but as night fell, trouble arose. The wind picked up, the waves grew fierce, and their journey became a battle against nature. Mark 6:48 (NKJV) captures the moment: Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them.”

Their strength was no match for the force of the storm. The wind was against them, but the Lord was for them. And because He loved them, He came to their rescue.

Without a boat, Jesus did the extraordinary—He walked on water toward His struggling disciples. He defied the laws of gravity and nature to demonstrate His sovereignty and deliver them.

God sees your struggle, friend, and He’s rushing to your aid. Victory, breakthrough, and deliverance are already yours!
— Dianna Hobbs

Whatever It Takes

If Jesus walked on water to save His disciples stranded in a windstorm, He will do whatever it takes to deliver you. He is the God who rushes to our aid, defying what seems impossible, and guaranteeing victory in the storm.

That’s the kind of God we serve—a Savior who goes to great lengths to ensure our safety, security, and triumph. How can we not be assured of victory when we serve a risen Savior like this?

Unlike football fans who can only cheer from the sidelines, Jesus does more than that—He steps into the storm with us. He doesn’t just observe our struggles or shout encouragement from a distance; He gets actively involved, walking across the turbulent waters of our trials to bring us peace, provision, and deliverance.

Whatever it takes to save you, that’s what He does. Even if it means enduring the agony of a rugged cross to redeem you from sin and death, He will do it. That’s the depth of His love and the measure of His grace.

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God told me to tell you that this is what He’s doing for you:

  • Rushing to your aid right now, moving heaven and earth to rescue you.

  • Clearing obstacles to release your blessing.

  • Removing hindrances to pour out His favor.

  • Breaking chains to set you free.

  • Opening doors—no one can shut—in order to advance you.

  • Calming storms to bring you peace.

  • Expediting processes to give you preferential treatment.

  • Aligning everything in your life to fulfill His promises.

Oh, bless His name! Receive that word.

Listen, if you find yourself in a storm today, take heart. Let these three verses, stirred lovingly into your cup of inspiration, remind you of God’s unshakable promises. Psalm 46:2-3 and 5 captures His assurance so beautifully: “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” And then, verse 5 boldly declares: “God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”

As you drink down the contents of your cup, remember this divine promise: no matter how fierce the storm or how strong the winds against you, God is with you, for you, and within you. Because of Him, you will not fail. Victory is already yours—despite the storm!

Now, let’s pray.

God, I come to You with a heart overwhelmed by the storm, yet confident in Your power to deliver me. Thank You for the assurance that victory is mine because You are greater than anything I face.

Father, I need Your strength to stand firm when the winds rage and the waves threaten to overtake me. Remind me that You are with me, even in the darkest moments. I trust You to break every chain, remove every obstacle, rush to my aid, and do what only You can do.

I believe that my breakthrough is coming, and I will give You all the glory.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.

As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!

Watch the video for Dianna Hobbs’ worship anthem, “Don’t Know Why,” and be blessed!


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