God Will Give You Victory—Despite the Storm
When the storms of life rage, don’t worry. God will give you victory despite adverse conditions.
God will rescue you again
No matter how dark the day, how intimidating the circumstances, how hard the problem, or how dangerous the conditions, we have a promise to sustain us. God will rescue us in times of trouble. So, be encouraged even if you are going through a tumultuous season right now.
God is transforming your malady into a miracle
This encouraging word from Dianna Hobbs reminds you that God will turn the worst moments of your life into the greatest evidence of His power and favor at work in you. Oftentimes, whether it feels like it or not, the malady is just a setup for the miraculous!
God sent the storm
There are great things God wants to do for you and through you that can only be accomplished by the storm. I know going through hard times can frustrate you, disappoint you, and make you wonder if you’ll really make it. But God is telling you, the storm He sent is part of His master plan.
God is with you in the wreckage
Sometimes, storms rip through all of our lives, leaving us shattered and wrecked. But did you know that God is in the wreckage with you? That’s not all. At the appointed time, He will put the pieces of your life back together. Continue to hope in God. He will never leave you!
You can’t skip the process
It will rain in your life. You will have hard times. You will cry. There will be tragedy and trauma. All these things are unavoidable, and none of us gets to skip over the process of going through struggles. But God will work it out for your good, turn your mourning into dancing, and your tragedy into triumph!
The storm can't stop your favor!
Your foundation is built upon Christ, and you are rooted and grounded in Him. Therefore, you don’t have to worry when the storm rages and the wind beats against your house. When your confidence is in God, your faith will remain intact, and the storm can’t stop your favor!
This affliction is working for you
You may be uncomfortable in your affliction, God is taking what the enemy used to destroy you and blessing you, multiplying you, increasing you, strengthening you, elevating you, and favoring you instead. After this is over, you will realize that God was up to something amazing the whole time!
Feelings change; God’s word doesn’t
Remember, circumstances change, but God doesn’t. He is the same today, yesterday, and forever. He is good all the time. He is faithful every day. His mercies are new every morning. And feelings – though they are fickle and can contradict the word – can never change that truth.
God's got this!
God is your anchor in the fiercest storm, and He’ll never leave nor forsake you. So take comfort in knowing that you are safe, cared for, and covered by God. He’s got you and He’s got this! Even in seasons of struggle, turbulence, confusion, and uncertainty, rest in Him and trust Him!
Your storm must obey God
This word is God’s way of reminding you that He is greater than your storm, and He is yet in control. The winds cannot blow more forcefully than He allows. The waves can’t crash against you more violently than He allows. The storm cannot last longer than He allows. It must obey Him.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 4
In times of crisis, do you let your internal storm lead you to believe the worst and overlook the faithfulness of God? It’s very common to go into panic mode, complain, and convince yourself that God is far away and not doing anything to help you. But you can self-correct and reverse this habit.
Don't let it steal your peace
Life and all its issues will give you plenty of opportunities to worry, be stressed out, and get sucked into drama. But there is a way to avoid having your life thrown into chaos and maintain your peace through whatever circumstances you’re facing. Read this inspiration to see how.