God Will Give You Victory—Despite the Storm
When the storms of life rage, don’t worry. God will give you victory despite adverse conditions.
God sent the storm
There are great things God wants to do for you and through you that can only be accomplished by the storm. I know going through hard times can frustrate you, disappoint you, and make you wonder if you’ll really make it. But God is telling you, the storm He sent is part of His master plan.
This storm will not harm you!
God is sending you some encouragement today in the storm. He is saying, nothing and nobody will harm you. You have no reason to fear. God has given you power over the enemy. Power over the storm. Power over whatever comes against you. Be encouraged!
God is with you in the wreckage
Sometimes, storms rip through all of our lives, leaving us shattered and wrecked. But did you know that God is in the wreckage with you? That’s not all. At the appointed time, He will put the pieces of your life back together. Continue to hope in God. He will never leave you!