This storm will not harm you!
The windows rattled. The winds howled. The lights flickered. For a while there, it looked like we would surely lose power in the Hobbs household.
We were caught in the middle of a windstorm about two weeks ago where I live in Buffalo, NY. And it was as bad as meteorologists predicted it would be. As strong gusts hit against our house, we were unsure if we would sustain structural damages.
In previous storms, we have.
Our roof was once torn up, and an attic wall collapsed. This time, though, the house remained completely intact (Thank God!). But, my car, which was parked outside in the driveway, was not so fortunate. My windshield was left shattered after a fierce wind squall blew a heavy item into the glass.
The day after, I stood in my driveway with my husband Kenya, assessing the damage. Though unhappy about it, I was more grateful than upset, because were it not for God’s protection in the storm, things could have been far worse. We could have been among the thousands without power, or dealing with flooding, or left with damaged walls and windows at home.
Even though we didn’t escape the storm unscathed, all things considered, we are incredibly blessed.
Storms, whether windstorms or life’s storms in general, can be devastating, damaging, and discouraging. But since storms cannot be avoided, the word of God prepares us by telling us what to do to keep from collapsing in the storm.
In Luke 6:47-49, a passage I dearly love, Jesus said that hearing His words and putting them into practice is what sustains you through tumultuous seasons and keeps you from collapsing. Shakeups and setbacks are inevitable. Even so, when your foundation is built upon Christ the Rock, when floods and torrents beat against your spiritual house, they won’t be able to shake you or break you.
By standing firm on the Word—and we know that Jesus Christ is the Logos, which translates “The Living Word”— you will make it. Granted, the storms will rage. The winds will blow. The rain will pour. The lightning will flash. The thunder will roar. The sky will grow black. The conditions will get treacherous. And yet, you will have favor. You will not fall. You will have joy. You will maintain your peace. You will not lose your faith. And you certainly won’t go down.
God will uphold you with His righteous right hand according to Isaiah 41:10!
My oh my. Isn’t that good news today?
“You cannot stop the storm from coming, but God will stop the storm from harming you. You will overcome this. Be encouraged!”
If the wind is blowing in your life right now and you find yourself caught in the middle of a storm, God sent this word for you. He is saying, friend, you will not collapse. You will not go down. You will not fall. You will standfast and not just survive this, but you will thrive through this, because surely the Lord is with you.
No matter how scary or intimidating things look and feel, this storm will not harm you. You are protected. You are fortified. You are strengthened by the word of God.
Luke 10:19 NIV contains a promise that I am stirring into your cup of inspiration. Jesus said, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”
That word nothing is the Greek word “oudeis.” It means nobody, not even one man, not a single thing, no one and nothing.
As you drink down the contents of your cup, speak that promise over yourself: nothing and nobody will harm you. You have no reason to fear. God has given you power over the enemy. Power over the storm. Power over whatever comes against you.
Yea, even this storm—this fierce one you may be facing at this moment—will not harm you. Rather, it will serve only to prove how resilient, anointed, blessed, and favored you truly are. So, be encouraged.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for assuring me that this storm, while intimidating and forceful, will not overtake me if I place my faith in Your word and put it into practice. Because I believe what You say, I speak victory even through this, and I declare by faith that this storm will not harm me. Instead, I will walk away from it with another powerful testimony of how Your mighty delivering hand has prevailed once again. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!