God will rescue you again
Credit: Oscar Wong/Getty
Life sometimes presents traumatic and tragic circumstances that can make us feel afraid, intimidated and even hopeless. In times of storm and struggle when there seems to be no way out, the enemy will try to convince you that you are doomed.
But God is sending this word to let you know that He is right there in the midst of the storm and just as He has done before, He will deliver you again. Put your hope in Him.
Our family peered out of the dining room bay window stunned by the total whiteout conditions over the weekend. Snow flurries carried by howling winds made it impossible to see.
To get a sense of what outdoor conditions were like, imagine staring at a white sheet for 24 hours.
Leading up to the catastrophic storm, our family had been keeping up with local weather reports warning us about what was to come. To ensure our safety, we obeyed travel bans and stayed indoors. We took it seriously when forecasters said the magnitude of the snowstorm would be unlike anything residents of Buffalo, NY, and surrounding areas had ever witnessed. Though Buffalonians are accustomed to large volumes of snow falling in winter, we could tell by the strongly worded cautions that things were about to get hectic.
Hectic is an understatement.
Parts of Western NY were buried under 43 inches of snow. Thousands lost power. Sadly, at the time of writing, 28 people have been reported dead in Erie and Niagara County—20 deaths in Buffalo alone. My intercessory prayer team and I are earnestly praying for individuals and families that lost loved ones. My nonprofit is also partnering with local organizations to help those in need.
I ask that you pray for Western NY and other areas in the US that have experienced devastation and death.
It is heartbreaking that such a joyous time of year, set aside to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, has been marred by tragedy, grief and loss. Our governor says this is “the most devastating storm in Buffalo’s long storied history.”
It’s true.
On Christmas day, rescue crews and plow drivers were sent out to provide emergency assistance, but even they got stuck. So, specialized rescue crews had to be deployed to rescue the rescuers. Today, snow and winds have let up, but conditions remain treacherous, and some travel bans are still in place.
As I process these events, I keep thinking about how the rescuers in ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks had to be rescued. Despite their best efforts and intentions, they couldn’t provide help because they needed it themselves.
This inspired a thought. In life, we will all face impossible challenges and violent storms. In these tumultuous seasons that create problems too complex and perilous for man to handle, we must call to mind the truth of Psalm 121:2: “My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth!” (NLT)
“God is going to help you. Don’t worry about what it looks like; He is your present help in your time of need.”
He is the only rescuer and refuge who will never be overcome by the storm. No matter how dark the day, how intimidating the circumstances, how hard the problem, or how dangerous the conditions, we have a promise to sustain us. “And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us,” (2 Corinthians 1:10 NLT).
That’s a promise God told me to share with someone reading. God will rescue you again!
Friend, if you are facing a storm today, the Lord is sending this message specifically for you. He is saying, “I am the great deliverer, and I will come to your aid. Trust Me.”
I know we’d all prefer not to encounter dangerous, intimidating, and uncomfortable situations, but none of us can escape them. Whether we are touched by natural disasters or other catastrophic storms in our health, finances, or families, God is a disaster specialist who loves coming to the rescue.
He told me to remind you that He is a present help in times of trouble. A restorer in times of loss. A deliverer in times of peril. A healer in times sickness. A comforter in times of grief. A defender in times of battle. A refuge in times of storm. He will never leave nor forsake you. He will bring you out alright.
To encourage your heart, I’m stirring a biblical sweetener into your cup of inspiration found in Psalm 91:14-15 (GWT) which says, “Because you love me, I will rescue you. I will protect you because you know my name. When you call to me, I will answer you. I will be with you when you are in trouble. I will save you and honor you.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, know that you are not alone in the storm. Keep trusting the Lord, and expect God to deliver you, heal you, provide for you, and come through for you, again. Because you love Him and have called upon His name in faith, the storm will not destroy you. The Lord will cause even the worst things to work out for your good.
I’ve seen Him do it before, and I know He will do it again.
Now let’s pray.
God, thank You for assuring me that You are my deliverer and present help in times of storm. When I am overwhelmed by trouble, thank You for reminding me that You will rescue me and turn things around in my favor. I believe and receive today’s word by faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!