28 Days of Gratitude: Day 28
When we feel like we can’t do something, we tend to complain. The next time you’re facing a task too great for you to handle, remember that the Great I Am is with you. And when you feel the urge to complain about your insufficiency, choose instead to praise God for His all-sufficiency.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 27
On our faith journey, sometimes things bother us, and they trigger an emotional flare-up. We cry, complain, fuss, and get agitated, because we don’t like the circumstances. That’s why we need the word of God. It helps calm negative emotional responses to trouble and keeps us grateful.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 26
The writer said in Psalm 77:12, “I will reflect on all You have done and ponder Your mighty deeds.” Reflecting, which means to think deeply or carefully about something, is incredibly helpful when you focus on God’s word and His goodness.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 25
Suffering makes us want to complain—whether we are the cause of it or not—but either way, it is good for us. If you are going through a trying season, trust God through it, and remain confident that He will bring you into a new season of blessings and favor at the appointed time.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 24
Affliction: it hurts, it’s hard to deal with, and we don’t like it. And yet, it is extraordinarily effective as a way to grow us up in the things of God and conform us into the image of Christ. If you are going through something troubling, thank God for it anyway, because in the end, you’ll be better for it.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 23
What the enemy won’t tell you is that God has predetermined the path of your life, and all you need to do is follow Him. When you gratefully and humbly work to the best of your ability to do what pleases Him, and trust Him to place you in the position He has ordained for you, He elevates you.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 22
Are you complaining when you should be thanking God? Sometimes, God is trying to bless us, but it doesn’t look like what we want, so we complain and reject it. If we were more grateful and opened our hearts to receive, God could give us more good things.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 21
Despite having promises from God that it will be well with you in the future, have you gotten all worked up and complained about an attack? An uncomfortable season? An unresolved issue? A hard task? A momentary inconvenience? If so, here is how you break that cycle!
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 20
God never promised everything would be easy. However, He did promise that He would cause everything to work together for our good when we love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Therefore, thank God that He is causing all this unpleasant stuff to work out for your good.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 19
Have you experienced a season when what you were believing for and what you were living through didn’t match? How did you handle it? Did you get sad and sulk? Did you complain about it? Did you doubt God’s word? Or did you thank Him for His faithfulness and keep believing His promises?
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 18
There is a direct correlation between doubt and complaining. When you doubt, you open the door to negativity, pessimism, worry, and anxiety. But God desires that you live freely and abundantly, and your faith is necessary for that. See how to strengthen your confidence in God’s promises.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 17
God advocates for His people. Trust the Lord to be your defender, and thank Him for standing up for you. Praise Him for defeating every enemy on your behalf. Rejoice that the weapon formed against you won’t prosper, and be grateful that Jesus Christ intercedes for you in unfavorable circumstances.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 16
We all like to get our way. But sometimes, what we want and think we need is not what God is interested in doing. He is after something far more important and valuable. Instead of complaining and being frustrated, how about being grateful for what God is teaching you in this season?
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 15
We would all do well to keep in mind that the Lord’s mercy, which endures forever, has been extended to each of us. If we dwelled on that fact, we would be too busy praising and thanking God for His amazing grace to complain about someone else’s unworthiness of it.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 14
Satan would love for you to be offended, ungrateful, and unable to see God’s goodness. But if you look at the world through the lens of gratefulness, you will see beauty and blessings. However, if you look at the world through the lens of ingratitude, you will see ugliness and injustices everywhere.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 12
From now until Jesus returns, God will make moves that don’t fit His servants’ expectations. It is so important to be aware of this truth, and remind yourself of it often. If you don’t, you will be emotionally rattled, mentally baffled, and spiritually torn. Trust Him, and be grateful in all things, at all times.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day #11
Obsessing over the bad stuff? Instead of focusing on the negative, flip it, and turn into a positive. Rather than stressing over what you don’t have, flip it, and express your gratitude for what you do have. Instead of complaining about what’s going wrong, flip it, and rejoice over what’s going right.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day #10
Unless you guard your heart with Scripture, the intensity of your tests and troubles will make you angry, discontented, and heavy. Without the sword of the Spirit, which Ephesians 6:17 tells us is the word of God, your complaint will be given free rein, and bitterness will only grow.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 9
Ever been chastised by God? If you focus on the unpleasantness of divine discipline, your gripes will overshadow God’s mercies. Your complaints will blind you to the fact that the trial, the trouble, or the test is your teacher, and it will make your life infinitely better, if you submit to the process.
28 Days of Gratitude: Day 8
God wants us all to be content and not entitled. When we remain grateful where we are on our way to where we want to be, God sees that, and He delights in it. Sometimes, do you feel like life isn’t fair, and you aren’t getting what you deserve? This will help you change your mindset and see God’s goodness everywhere!