I dare you to pray this prayer
There’s a prayer that requires you to release the illusion of control. Will you pray it? You may as well because God is in control anyway, which means your circumstances are under His control, which means that He is causing your circumstances to align with His will!
He Is God. He is Enough.
Don’t you realize that the Lord is more than enough for you? Even when things are hard, God reigns over your situation. He is in full control, and He promises to take care of you. Therefore, submit to His sovereign authority, and know that you have nothing to worry about.
God is in control of 2020
God, who is always in control, covers you, protects you, secures you, and equips you in every circumstance. Victory is yours and so is His divine favor. Knowing this, go ahead and walk boldly through 2020 and beyond with full assurance that everything will be just fine.