The Unedited Series: Move Forward! - Day 14 of 14
There are some unfortunate, unfair, painful, and unpleasant things that have happened to you in the past that you can’t change, you can’t fix, and you can’t edit out. But you can accept what happened and move forward with a grateful heart, because you are now a living testimony of God’s grace!
The Unedited Series: Avoiding the Impressiveness Trap- Day 13 of 14
Today, we’re talking about avoiding the impressiveness trap. Sometimes, God allows us to be stripped to teach us that our value and our worth is not tied to the things we possess but instead, we are defined by who possess us. We belong to Christ, and that makes us royalty. Now THAT’S impressive.
The Unedited Series: Pitiful and Powerful - Day 12 of 14
You can be powerful and feel pitiful. But God has a way of stepping into our pity parties and reminding us of who we are, restoring us, and breathing new life into our circumstances! If you are going through something that really has you down, this awesome word of encouragement will lift your spirits.
The Unedited Series: Not Okay? Say so. - Day 11 of 14
Your life experiences – both good and bad—are all a part of the redemptive plan of God. But sometimes, when you suffer traumatic things so that God will be glorified in you, it leaves you struggling, flailing, and feeling not okay. Say it when you’re not okay, but still trust God, and worship through it!
The Unedited Series: Feeling Like Not Enough - Day 10 of 14
Many times in life, we feel like we have to put on a brave face and live up to a certain standard to be acceptable. We edit ourselves to appear to be more than we are because of internal and external pressure to perform. But free yourself from all that pressure. You don’t have to be enough, because God is.
The Unedited Series: It's Not Your Fault - Day 9 of 14
Bad things happen. Things that fall outside the realm of our control. And yet, we have a tendency to self-blame when things fall apart, and struggles of life leave us looking for reasons why. But it’s not your fault. Release the guilt, and trust God to brings something good, even out of this!
The Unedited Series: Reveal Your Scars - Day 8 of 14
What you go through in life has purpose. And God can use the ugliest, most painful things as a testimony of His greatness and His power to redeem, restore, resurrect and make all things new. So don’t hide your scars. Reveal them. Because when you reveal them, you reveal HIM.
The Unedited Series: Tell God How You Feel- Day 7 of 14
When you’re going through something hard, you don’t have to conceal your emotions, or find the right way to say what’s on your heart. God wants you to come to Him with all your questions, struggles, emotions, and vulnerabilities, and let Him hold you and assure you of His amazing plan to lift you up and restore you.
The Unedited Series: Reflections - Day 6 of 14
God has been doing something so powerful through The Unedited Series, days 1-5. On this sixth day, it is time to do some reflections, digging, and homework. Bible teacher Dianna Hobbs has prepared a free, downloadable REFLECTIONS GUIDE with an overview of each lesson from days 1-5 with companion questions. Download it right from the homepage of YourDailyCupOfInspiration.com.
The Unedited Series: Let Go - Day 5 of 14
Has life been going differently than you hoped and dreamed it would? Feeling disappointed? Let go. Release your ideas and notions about the way life should be, and embrace the freedom and life that comes with total surrender to Christ who makes all things new and better.
The Unedited Series: You're NOT that powerful - Day 4 of 14
If you have ever wanted to edit out your weaknesses, shortcomings and struggles for fear that they would derail your purpose, relax, you’re not that powerful. God, who chose you before the foundations of the world, did not choose you because of your works, ability or perfection.
The Unedited Series: Embrace your process - Day 3 of 14
Along your journey of faith, you will face intimidating storms that you won’t always know how to handle. There may be times when fear will threaten to sink your faith, but God will stretch out His hand to help you. As long as you embrace your process and keep walking with the Lord, you’ll get through it.
The Unedited Series Day Two: Let It All Out!
God sees and knows all about your issues, traumas, emotional struggles, and inner turmoil – past and present. And He doesn’t expect you to pretend like it doesn’t hurt and that everything is alright when it isn’t. God invites you to release all those pent up emotions, and let Him comfort and heal you!
The Unedited Series: Day One
The purpose of The Unedited Series, a 14-day teaching from Dianna Hobbs, is to remind you that God doesn’t edit out the ugly, unpleasant parts of our story, because He wastes nothing. Go ahead and expose your weakness, so He can show Himself strong through you! Listen to day one.