Podcast: If You Can’t Do this, Keep Silent
Discover how to safeguard your destiny by silencing the lies of the enemy and only giving voice to God’s Word.
Podcast: Don’t Retreat!
There’s a word of hope for you today! If you’re feeling like giving up, retreating, or giving in to discouragement, don’t! Hold on to God’s promises, keep fighting, keep pressing forward, and you will witness great things happen.
Podcast: God’s Extraordinary Provision
This powerful podcast reminds you that God’s provision will show up right when and where you need it!
Podcast: It's Rebuilding Season
God has a mighty word for you. That’s why you’re here. Today, through the ministry of Dianna Hobbs, the Lord is preparing you for your new season of rebuilding, restoration, and rejuvenation. You have endured your time of suffering, and now, God is doing something spectacular!
The promise will manifest
Has God promised you something that seems impossible? Is doubt trying to overwhelm your faith because your circumstances don’t align with His Word? Well, this podcast will remind you that exactly what God said will happen. Trust Him.
Just show up! [AUDIO]
There is a powerful word of encouragement God has sent to you through Dianna Hobbs today. When you press play on this podcast, the word will set your heart on fire by reminding you that God is going to show up for you in response to your faith! Listen and be blessed.
Belive and recieve [AUDIO]
Hear the audio version of today’s powerful devotion from Dianna Hobbs that encourages you to believe and receive. There is a great harvest of blessings with your name on it. But you can only reap divine fruit when seeds of faith are sown in good ground. Listen now and be blessed!
God wants to announce Himself
God wants to use your life, even your struggles and deficiencies, as a public announcement that His power is greater than any struggle. If you would only submit to His will, He’ll turn your tragedies into triumphs, your tests into testimonies and your messes into powerful messages!
God’s strength is better than yours
Sometimes, we get down on ourselves because we feel weak and incapable. But God is assuring you that you have no reason to feel down, because His strength is working in you and through you, and His strength is so much better than yours and superior to yours. He’s equipping you right now!
There will be a happy ending!
The amazing thing about God is, He takes tragic circumstances and produces triumphant outcomes by His power alone. So if you are going through a discouraging, ugly situation today, expect God to bring something beautiful out of it that will leave you rejoicing in His faithfulness.
But the Lord will deliver!
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, you may be going through something tough right now, but the Lord will deliver you! Sometimes, our circumstances contradict what God’s word says. But if we can just hold on, and believe His promises, we will see God prove Himself faithful once again!