The Unedited Series: Feeling Like Not Enough - Day 10 of 14
Many times in life, we feel like we have to put on a brave face and live up to a certain standard to be acceptable. We edit ourselves to appear to be more than we are because of internal and external pressure to perform. But free yourself from all that pressure. You don’t have to be enough, because God is.
Your confidence will be rewarded
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, just because times get hard and you face persecution, suffering, trials and all manner of tribulations, you can’t just throw away your faith like you do an old garment you don’t care anything about. Stand firm. Trust God anyway. When you remain confident in Him, He will reward you with blessings and breakthroughs.
Your life is about to change
Though certain areas of your life appear to be in ruins, all that is about to change. God is repairing the damage, restoring you and making you whole again. Listen and be encouraged.
God is not through with you yet!
This is not over. This is not the end. God has the final say. Though the path looks dark, the light of God’s deliverance is about to shine upon you and your situation. God is not through! Hold on.