God wants to announce Himself
God wants to use your life, even your struggles and deficiencies, as a public announcement that His power is greater than any struggle. If you would only submit to His will, He’ll turn your tragedies into triumphs, your tests into testimonies and your messes into powerful messages!
It could have been another way
We all go through troubling times and challenges in life, but if we focus on how good God has been and the fact that things could be far worse, instead of complaining, we’ll begin thanking God for His goodness, grace and mercy, and favor. God’s hand has worked and will continue to work for you!
Why haven’t you asked God?
We often look every place for help except from above. We seek out answers online, in scholarly articles, and from experts but fail to depend on our faithful God who has all the answers and all power. But God is encouraging you to make Him your first contact and first line of defense in any situation.
No podcast today. Here's why.
Where is Your Daily Cup of Inspiration podcast? Why hasn’t a new one been uploaded yet by our production team? Well, Dianna Hobbs explains what’s happening and what exactly has derailed her regular upload schedule. One thing’s for sure, despite the minor setback, things will be back on track soon.
Don’t worry! God is helping you
Does this task or problem seem too big or too hard for you? Don't worry! There is a God in Heaven working for you, fighting for you, and helping you. And He will see to it that His purpose prevails and that you prosper in the very things He has called you to. Listen and be blessed!
God’s strength is better than yours
Sometimes, we get down on ourselves because we feel weak and incapable. But God is assuring you that you have no reason to feel down, because His strength is working in you and through you, and His strength is so much better than yours and superior to yours. He’s equipping you right now!
That moment won’t define you
We all go through bad moments and tough situations in life, and Satan tries to tell us that these moments define us. He only says that, however, to wound our confidence, diminish our faith, lower our expectation, and hold us hostage to the worst periods of our past. Don’t let him do it!
There will be a happy ending!
The amazing thing about God is, He takes tragic circumstances and produces triumphant outcomes by His power alone. So if you are going through a discouraging, ugly situation today, expect God to bring something beautiful out of it that will leave you rejoicing in His faithfulness.
But the Lord will deliver!
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, you may be going through something tough right now, but the Lord will deliver you! Sometimes, our circumstances contradict what God’s word says. But if we can just hold on, and believe His promises, we will see God prove Himself faithful once again!