The Unedited Series: Day One
The purpose of The Unedited Series, a 14-day teaching from Dianna Hobbs, is to remind you that God doesn’t edit out the ugly, unpleasant parts of our story, because He wastes nothing. Go ahead and expose your weakness, so He can show Himself strong through you! Listen to day one.
Invite God Into Your Circumstances
Sometimes, we go about our day, trying to figure things out, work things out, and tough things out. And it’s easy to forget that God never asks us to navigate our way through life without His help. The Lord is standing by, and He is so willing, ready, and able to intervene in your situation.
God will go above that
As a child of God, you are entitled to blessings, privileges, and special favor, and you can expect God to go above and beyond what you have already asked Him to do. This year, make a decision to believe God for greater things, and watch Him exceed your expectations according to His will.
God is binding the hand of the enemy
We all go through seasons of setbacks and attacks of the enemy. And though God allows these things to happen, at the appointed time, He binds the hand of the enemy and restores, replenishes, and renews us. If you ever find yourself in a low place, trust and know, you will bounce back.
God is yet on the throne!
Through the uncertainties of life, one thing is certain: God still reigns. And whatever He has ordained for your life, there is nothing and no one that can stop it. As long as God is in control—which is forever and always—His awesome purpose will prevail. Listen to this word from the Lord, and be blessed!
He is God all by Himself
There are problems that will arise in your life that you can’t fix or handle on your own. You’ll feel the temptation to worry about it, but don’t give in. God’s power is unlimited, and He does not need assistance. What you cannot do, He will do Himself. Just trust Him, and everything will work out fine.
You are chosen by God
Dianna says, you will go through sometimes, but God has yet chosen you, and He will fulfill His promises. Everything won’t go your way, and things won’t always happen the way you want them to, but never, ever doubt that God has a good plan, and He has chosen and favored you!
This time, you will see it!
No matter what didn’t happen for you last time, believe that this time, things will be different. You will see God’s glory. Cling to your faith. God loves it when you place your confidence in Him, so don’t loosen your grip on hope. Trust God as never before, and You will see Him do great things!
It Is From God
The enemy would love to rob you, hinder your destiny, and destroy you. But ultimately, he can’t do it. Why? Because God is ordering your steps, and the Lord has ordained your purpose, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Listen to this podcast, and be encouraged!
In spite of this, there is yet hope!
In the worst situations, things can seem really hopeless. But through this word, God is strengthening you and reminding you that there is always hope in Him, your ever-present help. When you press play on this podcast, your heart will be strengthened and your hope renewed!
No other power can do it
God is about to do for you what no other power can do. There are ways He’s making, doors He’s opening, issues He’s resolving, problems He’s fixing, diseases He’s healing, and miracles He’s manifesting by HIS power alone. Get ready to receive your miracle. Listen and be uplifted!
God is making the bitter sweet
No matter who you are or where you’re from, life won’t always be sweet, but God has the power to turn things around. In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, sure, there will heartaches, but God will change the course of your destiny, shift things in your favor!
God is sending you extraordinary help
You’re about to see God work through ordinary things and produce extraordinary outcomes! He loves to take little things and do big things with them. That’s what He’s going to do for you. Help for your situation is on the way. Expect it.
God is going to do it
Are you feeling like life has thrown you into a fiery furnace of affliction and you won’t make it out intact? In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, don’t just know God can do it; believe that He will do it for you.