Podcast: Lord, Not Again!
Feeling stuck in a cycle of struggles? This episode of ‘Your Daily Cup’ Podcast offers hope—God will do it again!
Audio: Take It!
Though you’ve been facing disappointments and dealing with setbacks, victory is already yours. In this powerful podcast, Dianna Hobbs says, it's time to take authority and rise up!
God will defy logic
You can’t put God in a box. It doesn’t work that way. He will speak something or prophecy something or declare something. And if you look at a situation on the surface, you will come to a totally different conclusion based on your knowledge. God’s wisdom is superior to ours.
Get ready for chapter two
New season alert! God is announcing fresh, new things to come. He's about to do for you what no other power can do. Heaven has turned the page, and you're entering a different, better chapter in your life. You will see God do greater things and work wonders for you.
Jesus is in the house
When Jesus is in the house, He changes things. His presence shifts the atmosphere and produces miracles. Because you have invited Him into your house—naturally and spiritually—prepare to see transformation, breakthrough, deliverance, healing, favor, and blessings overflowing!
How to overcome a setback
In life, no matter who we are, where we’re from, how little or how much faith we have, there will be seasons of setbacks and challenges. So how do you overcome them? How can you push past the limitations in front of you and secure the blessings and breakthroughs God has for you? The answers are in this broadcast.
God is about to flex
When you get hit with a storm out of the blue, it can feel overwhelming, challenging, and even scary at times. But through this word, God is reminding you that this sudden storm is leading to a sudden miracle! He’s going to flex His power in a way you have never seen before!
Because God said it
Does the outcome look bleak based upon your present conditions? Are you fighting discouragement? In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, even when your circumstances don’t align with the word of God, you can still remain confident that whatever He has said must happen. As you listen, you will be encouraged to lift up your head and expect to see the manifestation of every single promise God has made to you!
Watch your mouth!
When you go through storms, you’ll be tempted to get negative or verbalize worry instead of declaring the word of God. But as you listen, you will be empowered to activate the power of God in your situation by declaring His promises over your problems. Get ready to see change, because when you speak the word, circumstances shift.
God wants to use you
Don't know why you're going through? There's a specific reason. God wants to show off His power so you and others will know that He is God, and all-powerful, no matter the situation. So don’t be dismayed, discouraged, or doubtful. God has you in His hand and He’s using you for His glory!
Anticipate good things!
When bad things happen and circumstances look bleak, it’s easy to expect the worst instead of believing God for the best. But this encouragement is God’s way of drawing your attention away from negative contingencies and focusing you on the positive possibilities that exist for those that believe!
Keep your eyes on Jesus
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs tells you where she's been, and also, she encourages you to keep your eyes on Jesus—whatever you’re going through, knowing that He will never leave you nor forsake you, and He will surely come through in every circumstance!
Expect it to happen
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, God’s word never fails. Increase your level of expectancy. Believe His promises will to come to pass. Stand firmly upon the word of God which never fails. Whatever it is you need God to do in your life, He’s more than able to do it. Listen and be blessed.
Be confident God will make a way
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs is building your confidence and assuring you that God, the way-maker, is making a way just for you! In seasons of life when you lack answers to pressing questions, your confidence can suffer. That’s where your faith comes in. Trust in the Lord!
This won’t shake your faith
You can’t stop the storms of life from shaking up your world, but as long as you are rooted in God’s word, whatever comes your way, will not shake your faith. When you believe in and stand upon God’s unfailing, unshakeable promises, you won’t be defeated.
A divine reversal is coming
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says expect positive change and better outcomes, as God is preparing to flip things in your favor. Your “divine reversal” means the Lord is causing things to shift because you have placed your hope in Him. Listen and be blessed!
Why you’re going through this
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, God allowed this struggle and storm to teach you confidence in Him and demonstrate His mighty power. He allowed the wilderness so He could show you He’s more than able to bring you into your land of promise. Listen and be uplifted!
It’s your season to be free!
Whatever has been binding you up and holding you back, God is saying through this podcast, that it must let you go. He is freeing you and releasing you into destiny. Listen to this awesome encouragement from Dianna Hobbs and be uplifted!
God will confirm His word
What you hope and believe for doesn’t always seem possible, but your faith unlocks the door. God will send confirmation and His plan will be revealed. So stay firmly rooted in faith. Don’t let negative circumstances uproot you. Remain anchored in God’s word!
Your expectation will be met
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, there are some things you’re expecting God to do, and you will not be disappointed! As long as you are in the will of God, your divine release cannot be stopped. It might be delayed, but it will not be denied.