Podcast: Don’t Retreat!
There’s a word of hope for you today! If you’re feeling like giving up, retreating, or giving in to discouragement, don’t! Hold on to God’s promises, keep fighting, keep pressing forward, and you will witness great things happen.
I am convinced that God is able!
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs inspires you through the word of God to be confident that the Lord is able to do anything—even this thing—no matter how hard it may be. You can be fully confident that God is faithful and will keep every promise, and fulfill His word to you. Listen and be blessed!
You’re making a comeback
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says don’t allow the hardship or setback to discourage you; you’re being set up to make a comeback. Quit focusing on the obstacles, your personal weaknesses, shortcomings and deficiencies. Through this word, let God refocus you on His power.
God will get glory out of your struggle
We all, at some point, face difficult struggles, miserable situations and serious hardships. In today's inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, during these moments of suffering, remember that God is able to bring something beautiful out of something ugly.He’s going to get glory out of your struggle!
The enemy cannot take what’s yours
What God has for you is for you and there’s nothing the enemy can do to take it away. He may scheme, form weapons, and cause minor setbacks but he can’t permanently hinder you from receiving all you are destined to have!
It’s your season to possess the promise
You may be staring at walls, hindrances and obstacles, but in today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says that doesn’t change the fact that your season to reap and possess your harvest is here. Own it. Believe it!
There is a purpose for this valley
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs reminds you that there is a greater purpose in this struggle—and it is good, even if the situation you’re currently going through isn’t. Listen to this encouragement and be blessed!
It stops here
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs assures you that there are negative cycles that are about to break in your life. If your circumstances make you believe you’ll be low forever, this word will encourage you!
But God...
In today’s cup of inspiration, Dianna Hobbs highlights the power of what she calls “but God” moments where the negative things that SHOULD happen DON'T because of His grace!
God is not through with you yet!
This is not over. This is not the end. God has the final say. Though the path looks dark, the light of God’s deliverance is about to shine upon you and your situation. God is not through! Hold on.
A reminder that it will get better
In today's inspiration, Dianna Hobbs says, whatever the unfavorable circumstances you’re facing right now are, they are not here to stay. Things are getting better! Be encouraged as you listen.