Audio: Expect Supernatural Provision In Unexpected Places!
God surely makes His presence known during this live podcast session, as Dianna Hobbs shares today’s audio devotion reminding us that God is about to do something unexpected. Listen to this and be blessed!
Podcast: God’s Extraordinary Provision
This powerful podcast reminds you that God’s provision will show up right when and where you need it!
God, Himself, will provide!
We spend so much time worried about what we don’t have, what we can’t do, and what we don’t know. But today, Dianna Hobbs reminds you that it’s not who we are and what we can do that matters but who God is and what He can do. And God, Himself, will provide whatever we need!
God will meet the need His way
In today’s podcast, Dianna Hobbs assures you that the Lord already knows what you have need of, and He will provide. But He will do it His way. Don’t try to box God in. Be open. Be flexible. And remain in a state of expectancy, and watch Him provide in the way only He can. Listen and be blessed!
You will lack no good thing
Dianna Hobbs assures you that God won’t withhold any good from you and you can expect Him to provide. Listen and be uplifted.