Audio Devotion: This struggle is producing something good
How can something good come out of something bad? How can a blessing come out of what feels like a curse? How can life ever get better you feel like things are at their worst? If you've been grappling with such questions, this powerful podcast is a must-listen~
Audio: You are anointed—even in bad times.
In this audio devotion, Dianna Hobbs supercharges your faith by reminding you that in bad times, you’re yet anointed. The power of the Holy Ghost dwells within you and rests upon you. You have what it takes to press forward despite circumstances being imperfect. Listen and be blessed!
The Unedited Series: You're NOT that powerful - Day 4 of 14
If you have ever wanted to edit out your weaknesses, shortcomings and struggles for fear that they would derail your purpose, relax, you’re not that powerful. God, who chose you before the foundations of the world, did not choose you because of your works, ability or perfection.
The Unedited Series: Embrace your process - Day 3 of 14
Along your journey of faith, you will face intimidating storms that you won’t always know how to handle. There may be times when fear will threaten to sink your faith, but God will stretch out His hand to help you. As long as you embrace your process and keep walking with the Lord, you’ll get through it.
The Unedited Series Day Two: Let It All Out!
God sees and knows all about your issues, traumas, emotional struggles, and inner turmoil – past and present. And He doesn’t expect you to pretend like it doesn’t hurt and that everything is alright when it isn’t. God invites you to release all those pent up emotions, and let Him comfort and heal you!
The Unedited Series: Day One
The purpose of The Unedited Series, a 14-day teaching from Dianna Hobbs, is to remind you that God doesn’t edit out the ugly, unpleasant parts of our story, because He wastes nothing. Go ahead and expose your weakness, so He can show Himself strong through you! Listen to day one.
How to overcome a setback
In life, no matter who we are, where we’re from, how little or how much faith we have, there will be seasons of setbacks and challenges. So how do you overcome them? How can you push past the limitations in front of you and secure the blessings and breakthroughs God has for you? The answers are in this broadcast.