You are royalty!
“The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)
I only have one sister living here in Buffalo. Her name is Shavette. My other five sisters live in the south. As I have been going through my recovery process, Shavette has been amazing and incredibly supportive.
The day I was released from the hospital, she made a huge dinner for me at her house with all my family there to celebrate. She prepared a soul food spread full of my favorite entrees and desserts. What she did was extra special because Shavette had been in a serious car wreck and was injured. Despite her pain, she visited me in the hospital and made such a big deal of my release.
When I arrived at the house, I remember having no appetite. Though I was unable to eat, there was no way I was missing out on that joyous celebration! I enjoyed the company of family, and we all praised God together for how He had brought me through something that could have turned out another way. It was truly a feast fit for a queen, and I was deeply honored and appreciative.
In Luke 14:15-24, Jesus told a parable about a great feast prepared by a prominent man. Unlike me, those who were invited didn’t appreciate it. Once dinner was ready, the invitees made excuses and didn’t show up. So the preparer of the feast, feeling angry and slighted, invited the lowliest in society – those that ordinarily would not enjoy such a lavish spread – and they gladly accepted the invitation.
In this parable, Jesus was calling out the sense of entitlement among the Jews that believed their lineage meant they were automatically invited to the great feast that represented the Kingdom of God. But they rejected the message of Jesus which opened the door to Gentiles, the common folks not of Jewish lineage. These Gentiles received Jesus Christ and were instantly entitled to all the benefits the Jews had rejected and forfeited by refusing to accept the Messiah. That’s you and me!
“By faith, you have been adopted into the royal family of God, and that comes with great benefits. Expect blessings and favor. It’s your inheritance!”
Today, meditate on the fact that you are royalty by adoption into the family of God, and that’s a reason to rejoice. Not only have you inherited eternal life, but you also have an inheritance you can enjoy right now. You can expect God to provide for every need; make ways out of no way; favor you in adversity; protect you from your enemies; heal you from all manner of diseases; and cause things to work for your good.
Though everything isn’t perfect all the time, remind yourself that you have a seat at the royal table. Perks come along with that, and you can anticipate good things to come.
Friend, it is God’s will for you to enjoy the abundant life, according to John 10:10, because you said yes to Christ’s invitation to be Lord of your life.
Now, let’s pray.
God, I thank You for all the benefits I am entitled to as Your faithful servant. In moments when I feel low, please remind me that I am royalty, I am blessed, I am favored, and most importantly, I am Yours. In Jesus’ name, Amen.