You are royalty!
You are royalty by adoption into the family of God, and that’s a reason to rejoice. Not only have you inherited eternal life, but you also have an inheritance you can enjoy right now. You can expect God to provide for every need; make ways out of no way; favor you in adversity and much more!
Rivers are flowing
If you are in a desert of affliction, and your circumstances seem to be pointing toward destruction, gloom and doom, you have a Rock to go to in the wilderness. His name is Jesus, and living water flows from Him to you. All you have to do is put your trust in the Lord, and all you need, He’ll supply.
God will do a great work!
Are you dealing with a hard situation? Are things going wrong? Are you facing tough trials and don’t understand why things are the way they are? Be encouraged! God is going to bless you and work this out. Stay in expectation in 2020. He is going to do a great work in your life. Watch and see!
Confront the liar
Some of Satan’s favorite lies to tell you are: God doesn’t love you; God doesn’t have a plan for you; Things won’t get better; You don’t have enough power to make it through. Have you been letting these toxic untruths take root in your heart? You can put a stop to this, and here’s how to do it.