Confront the liar
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32 KJV)
When I was in grade school, a girl I did not know approached me one day and accused me of saying something mean about her. She said, another person told her I said it, but I knew the accusation wasn’t true. Despite my efforts to convince her of my innocence, she believed the lie anyway and wanted to fight me as a result. I had no desire to fight her; she looked like she could easily take me down!
When I discovered who told the lie, I gulped hard and took the angry girl with me to confront the deceiver at her locker, praying the whole time. God heard my cry, because the liar fessed up and apologized. Thankfully, I didn’t get punched in the face, and we all lived happily ever after. The truth prevailed!
In Galatians 2:11-15, Paul the Apostle had to confront Peter. In this case, it was for being a hypocrite and a bad influence. Peter, the approval-seeker, refused to associate with uncircumcised Gentile believers when his circumcised Jewish friends were around, because he was afraid of being judged. Paul told Peter to cut that out, because Peter knew salvation came by faith and not by works like circumcision and other religious rules. Paul set him straight because other Jewish believers were already mimicking Peter’s bad behavior and keeping the lie of salvation by works alive. Through confrontation, the truth prevailed.
Satan just loves to cause division through deceitfulness. He will use others to spread lies, or he will directly lie to you. John 8:44 says, “When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
Some of Satan’s favorite lies to tell you are: God doesn’t love you; God doesn’t have a plan for you; Things won’t get better; You don’t have enough power to make it through; You are invisible and don’t matter; and Your faith is for nothing. Honestly, the list goes on and on.
The only way to stop these lies from doing damage and spreading to your heart is by confronting Satan with the truth. Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way and the truth and the life.” Jesus is also the Word (John 1:14). When you seek His face, He will expose and refute every lie of the enemy, and replace it with the truth. The Word is the best lie repellent.
The truth is: God does love you; God does have a plan for you; Things will get better; You do have more than enough power to make it through; God does treasure you and call you the apple of His eye; Your faith is not in vain.
Don’t let Satan’s lies go unchecked. Confront him with the Word. Rebuke him in the name of Jesus—the very name that causes demons to tremble (James 2:19). When you do this, do you know what will happen? I’ll tell you: the truth will prevail every single time.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You that Your word is true, and everything else is a lie. Help me use my authority to rebuke Satan the deceiver, so I will flourish, and walk in victory and true freedom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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