You will bounce back
You will rise again. You will thrive again. You will see God do great things for you again. You won’t stay down. You will bounce back in your health. In your finances. In your career. In your emotions. In your ministry. In the things that God has called you to. All is not lost, and this setback is temporary.
It's bad, but He's good
What bad experience have you had? A negative doctor’s report? The death of a loved one? A financial setback? A relationship fracture? A personal failure? A string of setbacks? Whatever rough spot you find yourself in, you can always find refuge in God. No matter how bad it is, God is always good.
Confront the liar
Some of Satan’s favorite lies to tell you are: God doesn’t love you; God doesn’t have a plan for you; Things won’t get better; You don’t have enough power to make it through. Have you been letting these toxic untruths take root in your heart? You can put a stop to this, and here’s how to do it.