Keep pushing!
Life has a way of beating you up and at times making you feel like you can’t fulfill daily tasks, let alone your divine assignment. But you can do it because God has called and anointed you to handle this task load. You’ve already come so far, and although the weight feels heavy, don’t give up.
Rivers are flowing
If you are in a desert of affliction, and your circumstances seem to be pointing toward destruction, gloom and doom, you have a Rock to go to in the wilderness. His name is Jesus, and living water flows from Him to you. All you have to do is put your trust in the Lord, and all you need, He’ll supply.
When you're straining to see
Even in times when you strain to see God’s promises, hope in God. Your eyes may fail you, but your faith will not. Your natural vision may be blurry, but your spiritual vision will remain clear. If, right now, your circumstances look rough, stop focusing on what you see in the natural.
Praise Him where you are
As you wait for your ultimate deliverance, learn to celebrate small steps. Praise God where you are. Even though you have greater goals and desires, don’t let that diminish your level of gratitude for all the ways God has blessed you so far. Be content where you are, on the road to where you're going.
God will do a great work!
Are you dealing with a hard situation? Are things going wrong? Are you facing tough trials and don’t understand why things are the way they are? Be encouraged! God is going to bless you and work this out. Stay in expectation in 2020. He is going to do a great work in your life. Watch and see!
Let God have His way
Believe with all your heart that a different, better plan is right around the corner. And when God reveals it, you will see that what He had in mind was superior to what you wanted in the first place. Friend, God has something good in store for you. Let go, and let Him have His way.
You will bounce back
You will rise again. You will thrive again. You will see God do great things for you again. You won’t stay down. You will bounce back in your health. In your finances. In your career. In your emotions. In your ministry. In the things that God has called you to. All is not lost, and this setback is temporary.
Trust God enough to rest
Have you been overworking yourself? Stressing? Worrying? Carrying too much weight? In this word, God is reminding you that resting in Him is an important part of trusting Him. God doesn’t want you trying to carry that load all by yourself. He wants you to rely on Him, and let Him help you.
It will yield a harvest
What kind of seeds have you planted? Maybe you have: interceded for others; given your time to a good cause; lent your talents to help someone; mentored a person in need of guidance. Whatever you have done for Christ out of a pure heart, those things will yield a harvest.
It's bad, but He's good
What bad experience have you had? A negative doctor’s report? The death of a loved one? A financial setback? A relationship fracture? A personal failure? A string of setbacks? Whatever rough spot you find yourself in, you can always find refuge in God. No matter how bad it is, God is always good.
Confront the liar
Some of Satan’s favorite lies to tell you are: God doesn’t love you; God doesn’t have a plan for you; Things won’t get better; You don’t have enough power to make it through. Have you been letting these toxic untruths take root in your heart? You can put a stop to this, and here’s how to do it.
Keep your feet on the Rock
Maybe life isn’t ideal for you right now. You might be going through a really hard time, and the picture you had in your mind of how things would be doesn’t quite match the reality of your circumstances. Before you let that get you down, here’s some helpful advice and encouragement for you.
It’s in God’s hands
God’s sovereignty and power are not diminished by your troubles. Are you sick? In debt? Estranged from family? Struggling with mental health? Unemployed? Feeling overlooked, inadequate, or stagnant? Disappointed over a negative outcome? Remember, your times and seasons are in God’s hands.