God will do a great work!
“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” (John 9:4 KJV)
Eat your fruits and vegetables. Take your vitamins. Drink plenty of water. Get some physical exercise in. These are all the things I regularly tell the Hobbs kids. Sometimes, I hear myself talking to them and think, Whoa! I have officially turned into my mother.
Isn’t it funny how that happens?
I try my best to give them knowledge and insights to build both their natural and spiritual well-being. I constantly remind them to value their health and take care of their bodies. After all, they only get one. Lord willing, they will live long, full lives and be as healthy as possible.
These days, I am far more health conscious than I used to be because of my own health struggles over the past several years. Being sick, weak, and bedridden made it impossible for me to engage in daily activities, enjoy everyday pleasures, and do the work of the Kingdom—with the latter being the most important thing of all!
Jesus said in John 9:4 KJV, our featured Scripture of the day, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” The Savior uttered these words just before He healed the man who was born blind. At the time, the disciples thought this man’s ailment must have been caused by sin, but Jesus corrected them and clarified the truth. He told the disciples, this man’s blindness had a purpose: “so the works of God should be made manifest in him” (v. 3).
“What you’re going through is not permanent. God is going to flip this in your favor and use your life to get the glory. He’s up to something good!”
I know the sickness I went through in previous years wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t because I did anything wrong. It wasn’t because I failed to eat my fruits and veggies, take my vitamins, drink plenty of water, and get some physical exercise in. I did all those things. And yet, God allowed the multiple bouts of sickness so He could use my healing to get the glory. I tell my children that too, because they need to know that sometimes, we all go through trials we didn’t cause.
Even in your life, there will be times you’ll be doing what you know is right, and things will still go wrong. When this happens, remind yourself that there are some things that were simply meant to happen whether good or bad. The great news is, God will take an unpleasant situation, turn it around for you and get glory through your life. You will come out of your trial victoriously, and you will have an amazing testimony of God’s miracle-working power just as I do.
If you’re in the middle of something hard, this first Saturday Sip devotion of the New Year is reminding you that it won’t last always. The same Jesus who gave the blind man his eyesight—something he never had before—is going to do something for you that you have never experienced before. Stay in expectation in 2020. God is going to do a great work in your life.
Now, let’s pray.
God, I thank You that even though You didn’t cause the trial I’m going through, You will cause it to work for my good. By faith, I declare that I will come out of this with a testimony of breakthrough that brings glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Get more inspiration from Dianna Hobbs weekdays, Monday through Friday, right here on Your Daily Cup of Inspiration. Be sure to catch up on encouragement that you missed, and if you need prayer, don’t hesitate to ask for it here. The ministry team is standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, to intercede. Until next time, stay encouraged.