God's presence is with you
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When I head downtown in the morning, as long as I go before 7:00, there is hardly any traffic on the highway. But if I attempt that same commute just a half hour later, there are lots of other motorists out driving and the roadways are cluttered. 30 minutes, which doesn’t seem like a long time, makes a huge difference.
As the saying goes, timing is everything.
As I was driving early this morning, before the sun came up, I enjoyed my clear path forward. It’s always nice when there are no hindrances, restrictions or obstacles in the way. But it isn’t always like that.
On this road of life, as you walk the path of faith, there will be times when things don’t flow smoothly. You’ll find yourself jammed up and at a standstill, like a motorist stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. You’ll feel like you’re going at a snail’s pace and you’ll desperately desire to move forward. You’ll get tired of the wilderness.
But when this happens, don’t be negative and pessimistic. Don’t turn away from your faith. Don’t try to do things your own way. Continue to follow God. Seek His guidance and know that, at the proper time, He will bring you into your land of promise.
Unfortunately, for the children of Israel, there was a whole generation of Hebrews that never made it to the Promised Land because they didn’t understand God’s ways. They didn’t think they could defeat their enemies in the Promised Land and began to grumble against Moses and Aaron. They even planned to rise up against them and stone these men of God.
The Lord was so angry, He banned these hard-hearted men and women from ever entering Canaan. But some still felt that they could make it to the Promised Land anyway, despite what the Lord said.
If you go to Numbers 14, verses 39-45, you’ll see that the Israelites confessed their sins, but God had already pronounced judgment in response to their wickedness and waywardness. Despite that, they were convinced that they could take over Canaan. They said “Now we are ready to go up to the land the Lord promised.”
But they were not ready. Moses said to them, “Why are you disobeying the Lord’s command? This will not succeed! Do not go up, because the Lord is not with you. You will be defeated by your enemies.”
I couldn’t imagine the Lord not being with me. Even if I am in the wilderness, as long as He’s there, I know everything will be alright.
In verse 44, despite what Moses said, however, they went up toward the highest point in the hill country, without God’s blessing, thinking they could defeat the Amalekites and the Canaanites who lived there. But the Bible says their enemies came down and attacked them and beat them down.
Friend, we are nothing without God; but with Him, we have everything we need.
“Your contentment is in Christ. When you live by this truth, you will thrive in every season. ”
So today, wherever you find yourself in life—even if it’s not a place you want to be in—having God there with you is the most important thing. His presence will keep you, sustain you, empower you, and protect you. He will provide for you, rescue you and bring you out of the wilderness at the appointed time.
Don’t let the enemy make you restless, bitter, impatient, worried, anxious and rebellious. Stay in God’s will. Trust Him to give you the victory. There is nothing too hard for Him.
His will is the best place to be. Develop a mindset that says, no matter what I’m going through, as long as I have the covering of God’s presence, I’ll be okay.
Your joy doesn’t come from your circumstances. Your peace is not derived from external sources. Your triumph is not based on your own skill and ability. God is the source of strength, joy, peace, and all you need to be victorious in life. As long as you’ve got Jesus, you’ve got enough. So be encouraged today. God’s presence is with you. His love is yours in abundance. His inexhaustible mercy is new every day. There are both tangible and intangible blessings He will bestow upon you, even while walking through the wilderness. All you need to do is trust Him with every step.
Right now, I’m stirring Psalm 16:11 ESV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, take comfort in knowing that, because the presence of God is with you, you can be fulfilled and full of joy wherever you are — whether you find yourself on the mountaintop or deep within the valley. You can be confident in every circumstance.
Be assured that the perfect will of God will be fulfilled as you submit wholeheartedly to His will.
Now let’s pray.
God my life is Yours. I will follow You wherever You go. I don’t always know what You’re doing and I don’t always enjoy the circumstances You allow. But I know I can face whatever comes my way as long as You are with me. You are all I need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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