Surely God will do it
A week ago some loved ones and I were sitting in Friday’s, enjoying our food, when I felt the presence of the Lord. Instantly, I knew God had something He wanted to share through me, but I questioned whether it was an appropriate time.
You see, when I was 18 years old, I discovered that I had a prophetic gift—something that made me really nervous at first. Although my dad, a pastor and traveling evangelist, recognized it and encouraged me to walk in it, I was freaked out for quite some time.
I wasn’t comfortable exercising what I could not fully comprehend or explain.
My father had taught me about the fivefold ministry according to Ephesians 4:11 and spiritual gifts, and such. I totally believed God moved through people in inexplicable ways. I just didn’t expect to be one of those people—ever. That notion was hard to accept.
For the longest time, I struggled with accepting what the Lord had entrusted to me. I don’t know why, but I felt like supernatural gifts made me an oddity.
I remember the first time my then-boyfriend, now husband, Kenya showed up to one of the revivals I was conducting. As soon as he walked through the door, I panicked inwardly. Deep down, I feared he would run far away from me after seeing his girlfriend lay hands on someone who would end up slain in the spirit, speak a word into a person’s life, or speak in unknown tongues.
In my youth, I was very self-conscious about it all. As I matured, however, I realized it was a privilege to be a vessel fit for the Master’s use.
So, anyway, during our Friday’s outing, I didn’t want to seem like a “parking lot prophet”—a term for someone who pulls folks to the side every five minutes with “spiritual” utterances and insights. I was out with loved ones laughing, talking and you know, enjoying our moment of fellowship, but felt somewhat hesitant about breaking into a “Thus says the Lord” speech. Though I don’t preface prophecies with those words per se, what I’m trying to say is, I considered skipping the prophetic impartation session altogether.
That is, until the Holy Spirit simultaneously nudged and convicted me. Who was I to question God’s leading or timing? How arrogant of me to assume I knew what the “right time” was to deliver a word from the Lord! I am not the one who gave myself the gift and I certainly have no right to withhold it when God sees fit to use me for His purposes—even if I am out to dinner.
The Lord got Sister Dianna Hobbs together. And fast.
Before He snapped me back to Kingdom reality, I was being carnal and thinking of myself, when He was busy trying to do a work. Who can know the mind of God? Well, quickly, I repented internally and began sharing what I knew He had given me to say.
Basically, God spoke concerning a door that was about to open for this person that would bring increase to their household. I could both hear and see what I relayed to the individual at the table. A blessing was coming in the form of an opportunity that was tailor-made for them. For the next seven days, that individual was not to ask for anything, but rather, only thank God.
I obeyed God, delivered the word and they gladly received it. This afternoon, I got a call. It was them. That opportunity of which the Lord spoke over dinner came through in the form of a brand new position. Get this. This individual went in for the interview at 2:30 and was offered the job less than two hours later. We rejoiced on the telephone and recalled that night at Friday’s.
God did it.
I was so glad I obeyed Him. He was just using me to prepare them for what was coming next in their life. Friend, so many times I have heard God speak and seen Him do exactly what He said, which is why it was ridiculous for me to even briefly hesitate to utter His prophetic promises. I know for a fact, when you have a word from God, you can count on it. He will do exactly what He said.
Funny thing is, this job opportunity the person landed was at an institution that is notorious for its slow, bureaucratic hiring process. In fact, this person had applied there once before and it took forever for them just to say no. A same-day hiring does not happen—not unless the Lord is involved. He supernaturally opened that up. The popular expression won’t He do it? seems fitting right here, doesn’t it?
He will do it. Every time.
Surely God will do it!
“Don’t doubt a single thing God has said He’s going to do in your life. It may be taking longer than you thought to manifest, but SURELY it will happen! ”
In Genesis 15, God made Abraham a promise that his seed would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. He assured Abraham of this even before he had any children—something that was troubling and confusing to the man known as “The Father of Faith.”
At the time the prophetic word was delivered to Abraham, his heir apparent was his servant, Eliezer of Damascus. So how was it that his offspring would be too numerous to count? He was already advanced in age and didn’t have a son. It didn’t make sense. During the season that the word of the Lord came forth, Abraham’s circumstances in no way lined up with what God promised him about his future.
Sound familiar?
How often does God tell you to believe, no matter what it looks like? I can recall many, many times in my own life God has challenged me this way. It’s not easy. But every time, unequivocally, He proves Himself faithful.
What impresses me about Abraham is that he chose to believe with no corroborating evidence. Unlike us, he didn’t have 66 books of the Bible handy to give him lots of written examples of all the ways God honors His promises. Nevertheless, Genesis 15:6 NIV says, “Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”
He believed God anyway, setting the foundation for the work of the cross. Obtaining righteousness by faith, not works, is what the teaching of grace is built upon. Jesus Christ saves us, not because of anything we have done, but simply because we believe.
Isn’t that good news?
In Genesis, despite the implausibility of the promise God made, Abraham chose to put his confidence in God’s word.
This is what is expected of us, too.
Abraham had to wait 25 years. But God’s word did not fail him; neither will it fail you. The Lord won’t let you down.
Believe only.
Through tears, believe.
Through heartbreak, believe.
Through sickness, believe.
Through pain, believe.
Through stress, believe.
Through lack, believe.
Trust God, no matter what it looks like. If He promised it, He will perform it. No matter how unlikely it seems, what your circumstances say or what the enemy says, God’s word will not return to Him unfulfilled. It will accomplish His purposes.
You can count on it, stand on it and bank on it. It’s coming to pass. Wait and see.
To help reassure you about the certainty of God’s promise I'm stirring Hebrews 10:23 NIV into your cup of inspiration, which says, " Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
As you drink down the contents of your cup, know that surely, He's going to bless you. Surely, He's going to bring you out. Surely, He's going to make a way out of no way. Surely, He's going to open a door you cannot presently see. Surely, He is going to bring you out of this dry, desolate place, into a land of promise.
Surely, God will do it.
Believe what the Lord has promised you, even if you don’t yet see it. It is not too late, nor is it too hard for Him. There are great things on the horizon.
Just trust Him.
Now let’s pray.
God, I believe You have a good plan for me. I trust You for increase, favor and blessings in my life. In advance of receiving all You have for me, I thank You! In times of uncertainty, let me find comfort in the certainty of Your word and Your faithfulness to fulfill every promise made to me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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