You have a greater destiny
I went to a local coffee shop with my husband Kenya this weekend. While there, we saw a man who was high on some sort of drug. He stumbled around and was sweating profusely.
As hubby and I were walking out, he was engaged in an exchange with an employee. Then we heard the manager of the establishment say authoritatively, “Stop harassing my employees and sit down, or get out!”
I felt sad for the man and said a silent prayer.
When I was a little girl, men just like him would stumble into our local church. Sometimes they would be high off drugs or drunk off liquor. They would disrupt the service with loud talking and random outbursts. But my dad, who was the pastor, never put them out. Instead, he would call them up to the front of the church and offer them prayer.
One day a very drunk gentleman entered our tiny sanctuary barely able to hold himself up or keep his eyes open. The potent smell of booze filled the atmosphere. Dad, as usual, offered to pray for him. After my father interceded, the power of God hit that man. He started shouting, “Thank You, Jesus!”
His condition suddenly changed. He was no longer falling all over himself or slurring his words. He looked and acted like a new man instantly.
But what if my dad had thrown him out? He would not have had a chance to experience the power of God the way he did that day.
You know, society has a way of tossing out and casting away imperfect people that are considered no more than a nuisance. There was a man that fit this description in Acts 3. From birth, he was lame and had become a beggar to support himself. This unnamed individual was seen as undesirable, disfigured and worthless. Ironically, he was sitting outside a gate called “Beautiful” as he solicited help from those on their way into the temple.
As he watched worshipers walk past him daily, it never occurred to him that God had a greater plan for his life and a destiny beyond begging. One day, he saw Peter and John heading into the temple at 3:00 p.m., the hour of prayer. As was customary for him, the Bible says the beggar asked for money.
Little did he know, these two men were anointed servants of God that were about to be used as vessels to transform his life in a wonderful way. His lifestyle was about to change. He would go from helpless and needing handouts to strong and self-sufficient.
“Your destiny is about to change!”
Peter and John both gazed at the lowly, desolate man with his held hung down, and then Peter told him, “Look at us!” The lame man fixed his gaze upon them, expecting some spare change. But he got something so much better: a life change.
Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Immediately, the man’s feet and ankles became strong. The lifestyle of begging he had adapted to would be no more. Everything had shifted. Helplessness and hopelessness was suddenly a thing of the past. A new day had dawned. He stepped into his greater destiny.
For someone reading this, you feel like, God, when will I step into my season of greater? This word is for you! You have been dealing with the same-old, same-old for so long, it feels like it will never change. You have been failing in a specific area for such an extended period, succeeding in that very place seems impossible. You have been praying and seeking God about the same situations and you see no movement, so you feel stuck.
But friend, you are not stuck.
God has not tossed you aside. He has not cast you away. He has not ignored your requests. He has been carrying you through a process. A change is coming. Your destiny is greater than what you now see. Keep on believing that against all odds. God is able to move in your circumstances to the degree that it will inspire awe in you and others.
In Acts 3:10, when folks saw the formerly helpless man walking on his own and praising God, “they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.”
Get ready to be amazed. Declare that my day of greater is coming. This is not the be-all, end-all for you. God is able to do everything He promised and He will.
To remind you of this truth, I’m stirring 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, agree in the spirit with this word and get ready to be blessed abundantly. Condition your mind to receive all you need. God will supply. He will lift you up. He will make the way. He will heal your body. He will give you the position. He will elevate you. He will send increase. He will answer your prayers. He will save your loved one.
He will reveal your greater destiny.
There is more and better for you.
Trust Him.
Now let’s pray.
God, Isaiah 55:11 says that Your word does not go out without achieving the purpose for which you sent it. So I stand on Your word today and I know You have a greater destiny for me than this. I believe with all my heart that every promise You have spoken over me will come to pass. Thank You for being faithful. In Your name alone will I trust. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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