You’re going to the next level



I got one thing together and something else went wrong. One situation got resolved and another issue popped up. I could barely breathe a sigh of relief, before being forced to breathe a sigh of exasperation over some other unfortunate incident.

I felt like, what in the world is going on? How much can one person take?

Some days I wondered if my trials would ever end. Would I come into that new season and catch a break or would I break down? At times, honestly, it felt like the latter would happen. But God brought me through. Each time I came out of one of these rough phases, I discovered a better, stronger and more prepared me.

I was ready for the next level of blessings God had in store and He released some big ones.

Friend, have you been going through a series of negative occurrences that have left you barely able to catch your breath some days? Have you, at any point, felt like you had been dealt an especially bad hand and all the cards were stacked against you?

Are you familiar with the sting of disappointment when you expected to enter a Promised Land, only to walk right into an additional stretch of desert? Have you been feeling stuck in a dry, desolate, desperate place?

Do you ever feel like Murphy has taken up residence in your life and won’t go away? Who is Murphy, you ask? Well, the identity of Murphy is unknown. But there’s a so-called rule that has been dubbed “Murphy’s Law,” and here it is: “If something can go wrong, it will.”

Additionally, the law reads, “and usually at the worst time.”

I don’t know about the actual existence of “Murphy’s Law,” but I do know trials and tribulations are inevitable parts of life’s seasons. We all deal with moments of overwhelming opposition and adversity, when nothing works out the way we’d hoped.

Whether you call it “Murphy’s Law” or simply a season of struggle, when you face rough times, though it doesn’t feel good, rejoice.

Yes, you read that right. Rejoice.

God is just setting you up to take you to the next level. There is a new position, a higher elevation and a greater dimension for you. However, before you walk into that, God is making sure your level of faith matches your next level of favor. The only way this can happen is if you go through intense testing.

So when Murphy metaphorically knocks, answer with James 1:2-3, which says, “Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”

Greet Murphy with a celebration. Smile during seasons when multiple problems present themselves. Hold your head up high, knowing that God is prepping you for something incredible.

God allowed this trial to ensure your level of faith matches your next level of favor.
— Dianna Hobbs

You see, trouble develops lasting, enduring, strong faith. Adversity, as uncomfortable as it is, gives you fortitude. Testing and struggle work for your good. This terrible twosome, together, produce a remarkable outcome. They help you grow and develop a firm foundation of hope, trust and confidence. This is what you need to make it to your next level of favor and blessings.

Again, God is getting you ready for something big. He’s using trials to refine, purify and perfect you. Think about the way Malachi 3:2 describes the Lord: as a “refiner’s fire.”

A refiner is one that heats metal until it liquefies; that’s when it changes to its molten state. This enables the refiner to separate the dross, or the impurities, from the metal. This purification of the gold and silver can only be completed by heating it up to extremely high temperatures, and getting rid of any waste that would bring down the value of the metal.

The heat of your tests gets rid of anything that taints or sullies your character, dims the light of Christ, weakens you, and pulls you away from divine purpose.

So you ought to shout in the middle of your test; rejoice in the heat of the trial; be joyful in affliction, because you’re going up after this. God is increasing your capacity so you can handle the greater harvest that’s coming to you.

The enemy doesn’t want you to know that, though. He’s trying to tell you all this is happening because God is not for you and the Lord has forsaken you.

But au contraire! Precisely the opposite is true. You’re going through this test because God is for you. He knows this is what it takes for Him to get the most glory out of your life. This is what you must go through now to get you ready for your next level.

To remind you that it is God who is preparing you, I’m stirring Psalm 66:10 NIV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver.”

As you drink down the contents of your cup, say thank God I’m being tested. Get a praise in your spirit about it, because there’s something good coming after this. As 1 Peter 5:10 ESV reminds you, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

Instead of complaining, begin rejoicing over your refinement process. Know that, in the Kingdom of God, purification comes before multiplication. After you have been refined, increase comes. If you patiently endure this season and count it all joy, you’ll look back on this soon. You’ll reflect on this time and realize it was necessary in order to prepare you for a massive blessing.

Now let’s pray.


God, tests and trials don’t feel good, but I know they are working for me. Thank You for loving me enough to refine me. Despite the tears, heartache and pain, I believe You favor me, You love me, and You are setting me up for something greater and better. I give You glory for it in advance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!

If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.


Don’t die in the wilderness


You are surrounded by favor