Why hasn't God done it yet?
Last year, on the first Sunday in May, I stood behind the podium and wept. I tried to pull myself together because I was the morning speaker. The congregants were sitting in their seats, prepared to hear the word of God, and at first, all I could do was cry.
I was overcome with emotion because it was the first sermon I was able to minister since the Lord miraculously healed me weeks earlier. Standing there, having strength and full use of my limbs, doing what I know I'm called to do, filled me with a greater level of gratitude than I've ever felt before.
My mother really broke me down during her introductory words. She brought up the fact that she saw a flyer the other day for my "50 Women Praying" healing service. Mom said she read the line about interceding "for the healing of Dianna Hobbs" and then said to herself, "God did it!"
She mentally took me back to the time when I desperately needed prayers for healing. While holding on tightly to the microphone, each time I tried to say what I was thinking, my voice broke up and tears flowed out. After some time, I was able to pull it together and the Lord brought forth a mighty word. He moved by His power and I'm grateful.
When I was going through it all, it felt like forever went by before God moved in my situation. Day after day I was weak, hurting and begging God for relief. If felt like "Groundhog Day,” in that, nothing was changing. I woke up daily to the same issues.
God what are you doing? I wondered at times.
Now I know the answer: He was doing things His way, not mine. He had a plan all along to heal me at the appointed season, but not a day sooner. My trust, confidence and belief in His power was strong. Yet, none of that changed the fact that He is sovereign and I had to wait for my set time.
In life, whatever you're going through, whether that be illness, relationship troubles, family struggles, financial problems, emotional issues, work-related turmoil, or ministry setbacks, you have to trust God to fix things His way.
Get rid of your ideas about the way things should go. Otherwise, you will be discouraged and frustrated. You see, when it comes to divine healing and working of miracles, God does what He wants to do, when He wants to do it, and how He wants to do it. In order to receive, you must be open and flexible.
He is still the God who breaks chains, tears down strongholds, opens doors, destroys yokes and does great things. But here’s what you have to know: God’s will rarely falls in line with our way.
“Don’t be upset because God didn’t answer that prayer. He didn’t do what you asked because He has something better in store.”
For a moment, just think about what God said to the biblical prophet Habakkuk who was frustrated because God had not moved against Israel's enemies. He wanted to know why the Lord hadn't acted yet.
In Habakkuk 1, he complained to God that opposing nations were terrorizing them, worshiping false gods and doing all sorts of wrong, and still seemed to be living a good life. That wasn’t fair!
He asked in verse 1, “How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?”
As Habakkuk waited for God’s answer, he stood in a watch tower, which was high off the ground. Families would sleep in these towers and take turns watching during harvest time. They did this so they could see any enemies and critters trying to take their crops. But Israel was still being plundered by the enemy, despite Habakkuk’s prayers and best efforts.
In his mind, it would seem to make sense for God to come through—and swiftly! So why wasn’t the Lord moving yet? How come the sovereign and all-powerful one was taking His sweet time rescuing His chosen people? Why didn’t He deliver Israel when and how Habakkuk wanted Him to?
Well, God doesn’t do things the way we prefer or think He should. But you can be confident that, at the right time and in His own way, He will accomplish His plan.
In the latter half of Habakkuk 2:3 NLT, God gave him a reassuring word. He said, “If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place...”
Although Habakkuk didn’t understand God’s method and timing, He still knew the outcome: it would surely happen. That’s what you have to remember, too. Breakthrough will surely come. Healing will surely come. Release will surely come. The door will surely open. The way will surely be made. It will surely work out for your good.
It won't necessarily happen how or when you want it to, but it will surely happen. Be confident.
God told Habakkuk that the enemy would not rule forever. The Lord would get divine revenge and deliver His people, and God kept His word.
Today, remind yourself that God’s delays and detours don’t mean denial. His ways are always right and perfect.
To help you grasp this truth, I’m stirring the words that a group of people said after Jesus worked a miracle. Mark 7:37 ESV, which is what I’m stirring into your cup of inspiration, says, “And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well…”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, trust God who does all things well. He’s never late. He never fails. He never misjudges a situation. He never makes a mistake. He never gets it wrong. Have confidence in His good plan. Even though it may differ from yours, know that His way is best.
Awesome things are coming your way, but it won’t happen your way. It will be altogether better.
Now let’s pray.
God, I don’t always understand Your ways. You don’t always do things the way I prefer or the way I think You will. Yet, Your way is always perfect. Help me to submit to Your plan with full expectation that You will cause all things to work together for my good and Your glory. Thank You Father for doing all things well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.