Take Courage
Recently, I listened to my 17 year old son Kedar reminisce about the days when he first began playing Little League football. He was a total newbie on the field and lacked confidence.
The first time he faced an opponent more than twice his size, Kedar recalled being intimidated, and he told his coaches about his concerns.
“That guy is too big,” he complained and doubted his ability to play defense against one particular boy on the opposing team who appeared to be a giant. Despite Kedar’s misgivings and fears, his coaches didn’t let him off the hook. They insisted that he toughen up.
“It doesn’t matter how big the other guy is,” said his coaches. “Get out there and play!”
And play He did.
While Kedar did take some massive hits and felt the wind get knocked out of him a few times, he didn’t quit and helped lead his team to victory. According to him, that experience was a turning point and built his confidence. The very next game, Kedar faced another opponent that was much larger than him. But this time, he wasn’t afraid. He was mentally prepared and courageous. Unlike before, he was the one delivering the hits instead of taking blows. He was a tackling machine and felt proud when his team won that game and every game after that for the entire season. They were undefeated.
“Take courage. You will not be defeated. God is with you. Don’t worry. You’re coming out of this with victory! ”
From that experience, Kedar understands that facing a bigger opponent on the football field or the field of life does not guarantee defeat. Victory is possible with faith, courage and confidence in God.
In Acts 23, Paul the Apostle faced numerous powerful opponents. One time, he went before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish Supreme Court, to defend himself against accusations from fellow Jews. With boldness and courage, Paul challenged his accusers and some of the Jewish leaders, and this sparked a heated debate. Some of the scribes from the party of the Pharisees began defending Paul, saying, “We find nothing wrong with this man” (v. 9).
But everyone there didn’t feel the same way, so things got pretty tense. Scripture says, “The dispute became so violent that the commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces by them” (v. 10). Things were a mess and didn’t look very good at all. But God stepped in the following night and told Paul in the midst of it all, “Take courage!”
Not be encouraged. But take courage.
In other words, God told Paul to actively seize courage. In the Greek, this expression is also translated, “Be of good cheer.” Despite the odds that were stacked against Paul, God instructed him to remain joyful and courageous, because the Lord was on his side, equipping him to preach the gospel and fulfill his divine destiny.
And God’s message to you today is the same, my friend. Take courage. Be of good cheer. Though adversity may be all around you and you might be confronted by a violent storm or attack, God is on your side. It is He who equips you, fights for you, favors you, and makes you victorious. Though every day won’t be easy and the attacks may be intense enough to tear you into pieces, God will uphold you and keep you from falling apart.
Sure, the opposition may seem much bigger than you at times—and that may well be the case—but God is bigger, greater and stronger. And He is coaching you today and saying, Take courage. Be of good cheer. Surely, I am with you always.
I know it can be hard some days. The walls can seem like they’re caving in, especially when you feel weak, discouraged, vulnerable and uncertain. But you can be certain of this very thing: The Lord will bring you out. He will order your steps. He will be with you always. And He will prove Himself faithful once again. Just hold on. Be strong in the Lord. Remain steadfast in His word.
Take courage.
To further encourage your heart, I’m stirring Acts 27:25 CEV into your cup of inspiration, which simply says, “Cheer up! I am sure that God will do exactly what he promised.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, hold fast to the promises of God that guarantee victory in your life, and don’t waver. Remain joyful and confident that God is faithful to fulfill His word and make you victorious in all circumstances.
Now, let’s pray.
God, when I find myself in intimidating circumstances and troubling situations, fear tries to overtake me. Please help me to take courage, cling to faith, and hold on to the promises in Your word. I know You are faithful and have already guaranteed that I will be victorious. So I thank You in advance for victory! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!