Victory In The Valley
In this anointed devotion, Dianna Hobbs confirms that even in chaos, your steps are ordered by God and headed toward victory!
Greater is coming down the road
You may be having a difficult time today, but ’m here to tell you that God won’t pass you by. What is meant for you won’t miss you. Though you may not be able to see it yet, your future is so much brighter than your today. What’s coming down the road is greater!
Take Courage
We all face giants in our lives, situations and circumstances that seem too big for us to overcome. But if we can keep our gaze fixed upon the Lord who promises to give us victory at every turn, we will always have peace and joy—whatever the circumstances—and receive the favor and deliverance we need.
Perspective Matters
Do you ever find yourself mentally overblowing your issues and allowing yourself to be intimidated, battered by doubt, assaulted by worry, and attacked by fear? We all have at some point. But if you put your issues in proper perspective, you would see that they are in NO WAY more powerful than God!
Surely, God will deliver
Maybe you are in the throes of some kind of battle today. It could be a battle with sickness or lack; at home or on the job; in ministry or in business; in your mind or in your emotions. But God is saying to you, surely, deliverance will come, because wherever trouble arises, God arises, too.
All you'll ever see is victory
Today, God wants you to check your lens. How are you seeing and interpreting things? Is Scripture guiding you, or is culture influencing you? If you want to preserve your peace and live the abundant life Christ came to give you, see things through His lens, and all you’ll see is victory.
You will win with what you have
Whatever challenge arises, you are well able to overcome them because God fights for you. The Lord has equipped you. God knew what you were working with before He called you. And you will win with what you have! Whatever challenge arises, you are well able to overcome them because God fights for you.
Your turn is coming soon
You will turn a corner. Things will get better. Some good things await you in 2020. The One who has secured abundant life for you will honor your faith and perseverance. He will reward your faithfulness. He will bless you because you didn’t give up hope in the day of adversity.
God neutralizes the enemy
While it may be true that you’re under attack, it isn’t true that this will destroy you. The Lord may allow the struggle, but He also knows right when to neutralize the enemy and put a shield of protection, favor, and strength around you. Trust God to take care of you. You have no need to worry!
Here’s why victory is yours
Nothing can stop you because the all-powerful One dwells within you. No matter how intimidating the opposition, how challenging the situation, or how big the obstacle, our God is greater. There is no predator bad enough to defeat Him, no authority great enough to usurp His, and no word powerful enough to overturn His word. He has made you victorious!
Wake up!
As you read this inspiration, may your heart and mind be awakened to the truth of Romans 8:37 that declares, in all these things, you are more than a conqueror! Whatever comes against, don’t worry, because God is for you. So wake up your courage. Wake up your confidence. See through God’s eyes.
Get out of your own way
Get out of your own way so God can have His way! He has amazing things for you, but first, get out of yourself. Get out of your own thoughts. Get out of our comfort zone. Break outside that small box. Challenge yourself to trust God as He stretches you. Say no to complacency, small-minded thinking and negativity.
Don't worry about it
Even if the enemy has waged war against your family, your finances, your health, your relationships, and ultimately, your divine destiny, it doesn’t change the fact that he is a defeated foe. You have victory. God fights for you. Don’t worry about it. God’s got you!
Going through a rainy season?
If you can see God in your situation and realize He is allowing it as a part of a good plan—even though it may not feel good now—you will be able to dance in the rain. You will have the right response to trouble. You will rejoice in affliction.
Your deliverance is guaranteed
God has a mighty plan of deliverance. He is going to restore what you’ve lost, replenish what is depleted and make all things new again. You can be confident and assured of God’s good purpose for you!
You are on the winning side
Rejoice. Laugh. Shout. Praise. No matter what it looks like right now, you have the victory. The enemy has come against you, but God’s favor belongs to you. You are on the winning side. This is already done!
When you don't understand why
Sometimes, you go through something so hard it devastates you. You don’t understand why God has allowed this. You’re seeking answers. What do you do when you don’t know why?
Don't throw away your confidence!
In order to possess the promise, you must possess faith in the Promise-keeper. He never fails. It is your belief in His faithfulness that is the key to unlocking the rewards reserved for confident believers.