When you don't understand why
I love green grass, but I can never roll around in it unless I want to have hives everywhere. And I enjoy the feeling of natural breeze blowing through my window on a mild summer night. But unless I want to be sneezing, blowing my nose and dealing with an itchy throat and tongue, I had better keep the window closed.
I am very sensitive to allergens like pollen and dust.
I remember when my husband and I first moved into our current home. Though it was pretty spotless when we viewed it, we cleaned it anyway from top to bottom before moving in. So I was confused when, every night, while in bed, my allergies would start acting up. It wasn’t dusty in our master bedroom or anything. So what was the problem?
I’d wake up at about three in the morning sneezing and itching. My eyes would be bloodshot and swollen. Neither of us got much sleep. We never do when my allergies get going.
Here’s why.
Even though I’m the only one suffering through an allergic reaction, we both try to resolve whatever the issue is together. We have this routine we do when my allergies flare up. Whatever time of day or night it is, we get up and look for what item is causing the trouble, and eliminate it. We just zone in on things that were newly brought into the room that weren’t there before my allergies went berserk.
There have been times when paper brought in from outside or Kenya’s work bag brought home from the office has triggered me. Through the process of elimination, once we discover the allergen, after a little while, all the inflammation calms down and I can rest again.
Well, the first week in our new home was torturous. We took out paper, boxes, we vacuumed, dusted—again and again—but still, I was a mess.
Well, one morning, I was at my wits end. I couldn’t take another night of itching. I was completely worn out from sleepless night. Talk about tired. And my eyes were swollen shut from the irritation. I looked like the vintage cartoon character, Mr. Magoo.
It was bad. Terrible. Awful.
Then, suddenly, my attention turned toward a storage bin sitting at the foot of our bed. We had removed all the other boxes, but never thought to move this virtually new plastic oversized bin that had some clothes in it.
“Where did that come from?” I asked Kenya, pointing to it.
“Oh, we brought that from the old house. It was in the attic,” he explained.
Instantly I knew. That was it! Once Kenya took the bin out, I slept soundly and all my flare-ups went away. The first morning after getting rid of the bin I looked in the mirror and smiled. There was no swelling. My eyes weren’t red. My nose wasn’t running. I couldn’t have been any happier.
The thing that was attacking my allergies was right under my nose and I didn’t even know it.
Friend, there are few things more frustrating than dealing with the negative effect of something, but not knowing the cause. When you see what something produces, but you don’t understand why, it’s aggravating.
We all like to know why, especially when we’re suffering. What’s the cause? What’s the point? What’s the rationale?
The disciples were convinced it was sin that was causing the negative effects the blind man was experiencing in John 9. They thought his disease was the result of God’s wrath. But they were wrong. His suffering was not a curse. God wasn’t angry with this man or his family. The Lord wasn’t punishing him. God didn’t put a terrible disease on him to appease His divine wrath.
There are plenty of bad things that happen that God doesn’t cause. But He uses bad things for good purposes. Jesus told the disciples that neither the blind man nor his parents had sinned. Rather, God allowed it so He could get glory.
“God did not cause this storm in your life, but He is going to use all you’ve been through to bless you and bring Himself glory! Be encouraged.”
After explaining this, Jesus spat on the ground, made mud and rubbed it over the blind man’s eyes. Then He told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. The man came back seeing!
Jesus, the Messiah, the light of the world, physically healed the man who was groping in darkness. And with His shed blood, Christ healed humanity and cured our spiritual blindness.
Both naturally and spiritually, Jesus brings light to blinded eyes.
In John 9:32, the formerly blind man told the Pharisees, “Ever since the world began, no one has been able to open the eyes of someone born blind. If this man were not from God, he couldn’t have done it.” Jesus proved His divinity with that miracle and that was the purpose of this man’s suffering. Jesus set him free and he became a testimony of the true power of God.
Without allowing us to suffer many afflictions, how would we know that Psalm 34:19, which says He “delivers us out of them all,” is true? If no one was ever bound, how would we know Jesus sets the captive free?
If you’re going through a situation with no discernable cause, I’ve got good news for you: God will get glory out of it. Jesus wasn’t just sent for the blind beggar in John 9. He was sent for you and me, too. He’s going to prove to you that He’s able to turn things around, lift you up, set you free, restore you and bring you to a place of wholeness for His glory.
So don’t fret about the stuff you’ve been through and what you’re still going through right now. God is going to use your problem as a platform to demonstrate His power. The yoke will be destroyed. The season of struggle will end. Your best days are ahead of you.
The Anointed One, sent by God to grant you freedom and abundant life, is able to work a miracle.
Do you believe it today?
You might feel low, weighed down and burdened at the moment, and you’re looking for the reason behind your storm. Well, I’m stirring the answer into your cup of inspiration found in 2 Thessalonians 1:12 ESV, which says, “so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him…”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, rejoice in knowing that God is going to bring you out and get glory out of your life. Jesus was sent just for you. Like an emergency rescue team deployed to help someone in distress, the Lord is coming to your aid.
When He does, you will lift Him up and tell of the wondrous works of God.
Now let’s pray.
God, some of the trials I am going through don’t make sense to my rational mind. I don’t see anything good that can come out of this test, pain and suffering in the natural. But thank You for reminding me that there is a greater purpose. It is so that You will be glorified. Thank You for giving me strength to endure and for the deliverance that will surely come. Through this, all will know that, for You, there is nothing too hard. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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