Your Next Will Be Greater!
The downsizing comes before the expansion. Your destiny is still on course. Your blessings are still on the way. God is still going to do what He promised and give you more than you were even expecting! The greater the pruning, the greater the productivity!
Declare This: 'It will happen for me'
Things might not look great right now. That’s alright. Your situation will turn around. You will see progress. You will step into your destiny. You will rise from the ashes as an example of God’s unfailing word. Your restoration and reactivation season is just around the corner.
A word for your low place
Ever been dumped? Cast aside? Pushed away? Rejected? Betrayed? Left in a bad spot? Thrust into a dark valley? If you have, and you are seeking God for what’s next, this word is for you. He is going to pull you up and out of that low place with His mighty and outstretched hand!
Your breakthrough & breakout season
There’s a harvest with your name on it, a blessing with your address on it, and a breakthrough with your date of destiny on it. It’s time for you to break through and break out for God’s glory!
You are stepping into freedom!
Though circumstances make things seem too hard sometimes, the Lord is all-powerful, and nothing can restrain Him. Furthermore, He will not allow anything to restrain you that gets in the way of His purpose being accomplished in your life. You will step into your freedom and breakthrough!
It will surely come!
Have you ever been in limbo, waiting for an answer, solution, or breakthrough? If so, you know that seasons like this can be frustrating. Terribly so. But if you don’t give up hope and patiently wait in faith, God will faithfully perform His word. Surely, breakthrough is coming!
A breakthrough anointing
You’ve been through a lot that should have broken you down. But God released a breakthrough anointing! The enemy hoped the adversity, struggles and pain would take you down for good, but the enemy underestimated the warrior in you and the anointing that rests upon you.
God’s going to do it quicker and better
God has better in store for you. Not only that, but some things are going to happen faster than you’re thinking. Bigger blessings, greater favor, better opportunities, and quicker turnarounds are on the way. You’re not reading this devotion by accident; God is sending you a message.
A Surplus in the Wilderness
Prepare for exceeding, abundantly, above blessings. Oh, yes. They’re on the way. You can go ahead and proclaim that every need is met. Every way is made. Every dry place is watered. And every circumstance where there is lack, God is sending abundance.
The Resurrected King is alive and working!
The Resurrecting King is still working. He’s still healing. He’s still loosing captives. He’s still breaking chains. He’s still giving supernatural breakthroughs. He’s still performing miracles. And He’s still going to perform miracles for you, too. Keep the faith!
The breakthrough won’t be late!
If you’re waiting on a breakthrough that seems to be taking forever, take it from me, someone who understands your plight: when your set time, your due season, your day of manifestation arrives, the breakthrough will neither be delayed nor denied. Trust God, friend.
A big reward is coming!
In life, there will be things you feel called by God to do and you will obediently do them. Yet, there will be seasons when you see no tangible results. It will feel like your labor is in vain. But that’s a lie. God will reward your obedience and faithfulness in ways you can’t imagine.
From ugly to beautiful
When God wants to do something new and better in our lives, He interrupts our routines, challenges our traditions, and plops us down in the middle of ugly circumstances. Sometimes, we get discouraged by the temporary ugliness of it all, but He’s not through with you yet!
Greater is coming down the road
You may be having a difficult time today, but ’m here to tell you that God won’t pass you by. What is meant for you won’t miss you. Though you may not be able to see it yet, your future is so much brighter than your today. What’s coming down the road is greater!
An ‘Only God’ breakthrough is coming
When you are facing a situation with impossible odds, this is not the time to fret, worry, and assume the worst will happen. No! Grab hold of faith. God is about to do what man says is impossible, what circumstances say can’t be done, and what doubt and fear say will never happen.
God sent the storm
There are great things God wants to do for you and through you that can only be accomplished by the storm. I know going through hard times can frustrate you, disappoint you, and make you wonder if you’ll really make it. But God is telling you, the storm He sent is part of His master plan.
That time is coming
Going through right now? Don’t be discouraged. You will inevitably enter your divinely ordained season wherein God liberates you and gives you a brand-new lease on life. It’s about to happen for you. God is going to give you a breakthrough for a specific purpose!
Great Jehovah will deliver!
Jehovah, who is God our savior, is going to deliver you out of your struggles and afflictions. It might seem like things are too hard, and it may not look good today. But you have to remember that His power is greater than your greatest opposition. And surely, He will bring you out for His glory!
Waiting? Your season is coming
Though you may be broken and barren, crushed and discouraged, hurting and shattered right now, God is not through with you yet. You may have, in some ways, become resigned to your fate, but God has a plan for your life. Your season of breakthrough and deliverance will come!