It’s rebuilding season
In today’s devotion, God is speaking life over you and commanding the dry bones of your dreams to rise up—as the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 did at His command—and live again. He is breathing new life into your situation. He’s rebuilding and restoring you for His glory!
God is setting you up for more
If you are in a season where you are struggling with trauma, trouble, and transition, God sent this word to tell you that something good is coming out of this. And if you can just endure the trial and keep the faith, you’ll see that in the end you will be more blessed than you’ve ever been before.
Pray the Word!
When you pray the Word of God, things shift in your favor. He turns situations around. He favors you in a special way. He honors His promises and manifests what He said He would do. If you are believing God for change in your situation, this devotion will encourage you to pray His Word!
Abundant blessings are coming!
Following Jesus in times of stormy weather and difficulty isn’t easy. Lots of people give up in the storm. They walk away from their faith convictions and feel that faithfulness to God isn’t worth all the trouble. But the Lord promises to abundantly bless all those who remain steadfast!
Walk in your authority!
Life is a battle that can make you feel powerless at times because of the things you cannot control. When situations don’t go your way and you encounter issues you don’t know how to resolve, remember, you are not a victim; you are a victor through Christ. Walk in your authority!
Going through it? God will restore you
You may be going through now, but God will restore you back to a place of wholeness, equilibrium, prosperity, and joy. Though the journey is not easy and you may be feeling low, uncertain, and confused about this unfamiliar place of struggle, there is better on the other side of this! Be encouraged.
You will receive God's best!
The Lord is sending a powerful New Year’s Day word for you to kick off your 2023 strong. In this devotion, you’ll be reminded that you’re in the Potter’s hands which is why you will receive God’s best. You no longer need to mourn yesterday’s losses, perceived failures, and brutal setbacks.
God is preparing you for better
Prepare to receive abundant blessings, major harvests, and divine manifestations of favor. Though you may currently have unanswered prayer requests, unfulfilled promises, and unmanifested prophetic words, God has not changed His mind about you. Better is indeed coming.
Praise for your Promise!
Praise in advance for the manifestation of your promise. Don’t wait until you see it. Receive this word, and rejoice like you’ve already got your breakthrough. In today’s powerful word of encouragement, Dianna Hobbs stirs faith for fulfillment into your cup of inspiration!
It’s your turn
God has built waiting into the process of character development. He tests you by prolonging the timeline. If you can cling to hope, remain steadfast in faith, and continue doing the right things despite delays, your turn will surely come. By the way, somebody’s turn is already here!
Tell doubt to get out!
God is able to restore what you’ve lost, resurrect situations that appear dead, reverse health conditions doctors say are irreversible, and lift you up where you’re lowly. Before He can do it, though, you’ve got to tell doubt to go. Tell fear to go. Tell skepticism to go, and believe!
Don't be afraid of the dark
God sent me to tell you today, no matter how dark it gets, don’t be afraid of the dark. The light of His love, His favor, His wisdom, and His power will keep on shining. He is causing His face to shine upon you and showing you grace. His blessing is upon you, friend, according to Numbers 6:24-26.
Be less rigid
When you become less rigid and more open to receive, God will then open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings for you. He will connect you to people who were never on your radar and give you access to places you could never have dreamed of entering.
Change your faith location
In today’s inspiration, Dianna Hobbs asks a simple but powerful question: Is your faith in the storm or in the One who has power to calm it? Where your faith lies determines how you react to crisis, sickness, struggle, and adversity. Either you trust or you panic. Which one will you choose to do?
God is with you in the wreckage
Sometimes, storms rip through all of our lives, leaving us shattered and wrecked. But did you know that God is in the wreckage with you? That’s not all. At the appointed time, He will put the pieces of your life back together. Continue to hope in God. He will never leave you!
Just show up!
When you show up that means you don’t give up, because you believe that God will make you victorious in every circumstance. And the good news is that when you show up in faith, God shows out in a big way—and that’s precisely what He’s about to do for you!
God's promises are for you!
Don’t let life circumstances make you forget that the promises in God’s word are for you. He has not forgotten you or overlooked your situation. Today, take ownership of the good things He says in Scripture. Believe that you will receive what He says. And watch what God does!
You don't have to toil!
Are you making room for God or are you too busy for that? You don’t have to have all the answers and work yourself into the ground. You shouldn’t feel obligated to be perfect, on-point, booked and busy all the time. God is more interested in you making space for Him.
Command your soul to praise the Lord
God has been good. His mercy is new every day. You may not have everything you want, but God keeps on supplying your needs. Every day isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but the Lord gives you joy in the midst of sorrow. He gives you peace in confusion. Command your soul to bless His name!