Walk in your authority!
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Life is a battle that can make you feel powerless at times because of the things you cannot control. When situations don’t go your way and you encounter issues you don’t know how to resolve, it can make you feel weak, vulnerable, small, incapable and without hope.
But God sent me to you today to cause your perspective to shift and remind you of who and Whose you are. You have power and authority given to you by the Lord of Hosts to overcome anything standing in your way!
Believe that. Own that. Use that. Walk in that. And you will see things fall into place in your life.
As you know, I have been sick unto death on more than one occasion. Had I succumbed to doctors’ negative reports and grown discouraged because of the way things appeared, I would have given up a long time ago.
But in those times when my body was weak, my spirit remained strong. From the hospital bed I would tap into my spiritual authority and speak over myself, pray in the spirit, and declare the promises of God over my situation. I wasn’t going to be passive and let sickness have its way. I kept on believing the promises of God, remaining steadfast in His word, and trusting Him to do the impossible for me. And here I am today, still standing to declare the works of the Lord.
Listen, there are some situations you are facing. There sure are. And God sent me for you. There are some uncertainties and struggles you’re dealing with, and you don’t know exactly what to do. It’s time to walk in your authority, declare God’s promises over your problems, and expect to see change. Jesus said in Luke 10:19, “I have given you authority… to overcome all the power of the enemy.”
That word authority in this passage is the Greek word “Exousia.” Exousia is not just any authority, but it is conferred authority. To confer means to bestow or grant a right, benefit, or privilege upon someone. So then, you and I, friend, have had authority conferred upon us by God Himself. He has given us the right, the benefit, the power, and the privilege to oppose and overcome the enemy.
It’s so sad that many believers have bought into the narrative that we are powerless, disadvantaged, oppressed, and victims of our circumstances. Who said that? Certainly not the Word of God! We have authority. But we must tap into it and walk in it.
In Luke 4:31-36, Jesus was in Capernaum teaching the people. Capernaum was this fishing village located on the northwestern shores of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. It was a significant center for trade and administration in ancient times, and it was also Jesus's base for much of his ministry. Capernaum was a vibrant and prosperous part of Palestine, home to about 1,500 people. Lots of them were fishermen. Many travelers, caravans, and traders passed through Capernaum.
Capernaum just so happens to be the village where Jesus met James, John, Peter, and Andrew, all fishermen, as well as Matthew, a tax collector—five of His future disciples. It was a significant place in Jesus’s ministry, so much so that the Bible calls Capernaum Jesus’ “own city,” and He performed many miracles in this place.
Capernaum was where Jesus was teaching in the synagogue in today’s passage, and Scripture says that the hearers of His teaching were “amazed” because His words had authority. There’s that Greek word for authority, Exousia, again!
Why were people so amazed by Jesus’s authoritative teaching? Well, Jesus walked the earth in first-century Jewish society where there was a very specific system in place. The scribes were the ones that the Jews respected and listened to when it came to teaching the Old Testament law. They were regarded experts. The scribes’ scriptural interpretations were viewed as gospel and the only real way to appropriately establish and validate the meaning of the scriptural text.
The scribes, who took care of the scrolls that the Bible was written on, held seats of honor in the synagogues. They were big wigs who served as civil lawyers and were part of the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of Jews. When they taught, they sounded super smart, too. They would quote all these scholarly opinions of various rabbis which would give their interpretations extra umph. By appealing not to their own authority but to the authority of other religious scholars, the scribes’ interpretations seemed somehow weightier, more trustworthy and final.
So, here comes Jesus, teaching and understanding the complexities of the Old Testament without quoting all those other folks. He was confident, wise, knowledgeable, anointed. He taught with the authority—Exousia— the power given to Him straight from God the Father. But the folks in the synagogues wondered, where did He get this authority from?
Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 28:18, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.”
Here’s the good news, friend. This same Jesus, who has all power and authority over the enemy, lives in us. Therefore, we have power and authority over the enemy.
“You’ve got power over the enemy because Jesus Christ, the all-powerful One lives in you. You have no need to worry or fear!”
The devil doesn’t want us to know that! Why? Because we are a threat to him when we get a revelation of who and Whose we are. The enemy wants to see you dragging around with your head hung down like you’re powerless, feeling sorry for yourself, as if you are a victim of your circumstances. But God sent me here to shake you out of that defeatist mindset and remind you that you are no victim; you are victorious through Christ. You have authority and power.
I love the way Jesus shows us what this authority looks like. Right here in this passage in Luke 4:31-36, Scripture says that while Jesus was in the synagogue teaching, a man possessed by a demon cried out at the top of his voice in the middle of service: “Go away! What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
Just screaming and acting out.
Listen, the devil comes to church too. And if he can, he will disrupt the work and Word of God. But Jesus told that old demon in a stern voice, “Be quiet! Come out of him!” That demon came right on out, too. In verse 36, it says, “The people were amazed and said to each other, ‘What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to impure spirits and they come out!’”
I remember this one time, years ago, when I was preaching at a Sunday morning service in Atlanta, GA. I must have been in my 20s back then, and it was this big church with a jam-packed audience. During the sermon, the Holy Spirit prompted me to stress the fact that believers have power over demonic spirits and all the works of the enemy.
Now, this point wasn’t in my notes. So, when I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to shift to this subject of authority over the devil, I remember thinking, this isn’t what I prepared in this sermon. Why does the Holy Spirit have me going this way? Well, there was a clear reason that became very apparent a little bit later in the service during altar prayer.
So, the Lord had me laying hands on folks, prophesying, and conducting a full-on deliverance service, when a man came and stood before me. I noticed him balling up his fists, looking mad, and clenching his jaw. I looked in his bloodshot eyes and spiritually discerned that he was possessed by a demon. Now, I grew up in the Pentecostal church watching my daddy cast out demons by the authority of Christ, so I wasn’t scared at all. I was not intimidated one iota when that man fell on the floor, stiff as a board, and his body began levitating in front of a church full of people.
His body was stretched out and rigid, as if he were unconscious on a stretcher. Not a muscle twitched. It was like rigor mortis had set in. Then, it was as if someone had attached a cord to the center of his unmoving body and lifted him up off the floor then put him down repeatedly.
Up and down. Up and down. Up and down, he went.
Some people were noticeably and understandably freaked out by this. It’s not every day that you see someone levitate. This was no horror movie; it was real life. I knew that the devil just wanted to show out that day, just as he tried to show out in the synagogue where Jesus was teaching.
You know what I did? I tapped into my spiritual authority and spoke to that demonic spirit in a stern voice, just as Jesus did. I exercised that Exousia—the conferred authority God has given each one of us—and commanded the demon to come out. And he did. God set that man free. He was so happy to be delivered.
Look, the devil was busy in Jesus’s day and is still busy to this day. But you have power over the enemy. Tap into it. Use it. Walk in it. In Acts 1:8, before Jesus ascended to Heaven after His resurrection, He told the apostles, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you."
This word power here is the Greek word “Dunamis” which signifies miraculous power, might and strength. It is the very equipping power of God activated in the life of the believer. Because you have received Christ and accepted the gift of the Holy Spirit, you have Dunamis.
Therefore, when you tap into your Exousia, authority, and Dunamis, miraculous power, it’s a mighty powerful duo, friend. The devil doesn’t want you to know you have it, but you do. You have authority to speak to the mountain. To cast the devil out. To rebuke sickness. To stand against the works of the enemy. Knowing this, you can be confident, bold and courageous. You can stare down fear and whatever comes to intimidate you, knowing that you are more than a conqueror through Christ.
No matter what negative situations arise in your life, God has anointed, empowered, and equipped you to overcome whatever stands in the way of your divine destiny. You already possess the courage, fortitude and ability to soar. How come you think you keep thriving in the face of adversity?
Somebody here should be dead and gone. You should have lost your sanity already. Based on some of the stuff you’ve been through, you should have gone ahead and thrown in the towel. As the expression goes, you’ve had everything thrown at you but the kitchen sink. Oh, but here you are still standing. And you will remain standing because you have Exousia—authority over the works of the enemy.
Not only will you remain standing, but you will go higher. God is elevating you and making an example out of you for His glory. You are the living embodiment of Isaiah 54:17, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” And this Bible verse is the sweetener I’m stirring into your Cup of Inspiration today.
As you drink down the contents of your cup, hold your head up knowing that it’s okay if the weapon is formed, it won’t work. You’ve got on the whole armor of God, outlined in Ephesians 6:10-18, that gives you power to stand against all the devil’s schemes.
Hear me today. If you have been feeling slightly worried, anxious, and intimidated by the adversity you’re facing, God sent me—a woman who has been through more than my fair share of trouble and adversity—to tell you that you are more than a conqueror through Christ who possesses both power and authority over everything that comes against your destiny.
Walk in your authority.
Now, let’s pray.
God, thank You for reminding me of who I am in You and what I possess the power to do. You have equipped me to overcome the works of the enemy and boldly lay hold of every promise, every blessing, everything You have preordained for me. In times when my courage and confidence take a hit because of the adversity I see, please remind me that I have Exousia, authority given to me by God, to walk in victory every day and in each situation, and overcome all the works of the enemy! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!