Between Faith and Fulfillment
God often gives you a word that completely contradicts your circumstances to test your faith and prove His faithfulness. He’s going to do what He said, friend, no matter what it looks like!
Your Next Will Be Greater!
The downsizing comes before the expansion. Your destiny is still on course. Your blessings are still on the way. God is still going to do what He promised and give you more than you were even expecting! The greater the pruning, the greater the productivity!
A word for your low place
Ever been dumped? Cast aside? Pushed away? Rejected? Betrayed? Left in a bad spot? Thrust into a dark valley? If you have, and you are seeking God for what’s next, this word is for you. He is going to pull you up and out of that low place with His mighty and outstretched hand!
That time is coming
Going through right now? Don’t be discouraged. You will inevitably enter your divinely ordained season wherein God liberates you and gives you a brand-new lease on life. It’s about to happen for you. God is going to give you a breakthrough for a specific purpose!
Jesus is a cycle-breaker
Satan wants you to believe that generational curses have power over you, that you are doomed to repeat negative cycles, that you are the sum total of what you have witnessed and experienced, and that your history is your destiny. But he’s a liar! Jesus is a cycle-breaker.
Great Jehovah will deliver!
Jehovah, who is God our savior, is going to deliver you out of your struggles and afflictions. It might seem like things are too hard, and it may not look good today. But you have to remember that His power is greater than your greatest opposition. And surely, He will bring you out for His glory!
God has commanded your deliverance!
In today's devotion, Dianna Hobbs reminds you that no matter what you’re going through, when God speaks a word of deliverance over you, the shackles must be loosed, the chains must fall off, and your circumstances must shift!
Waiting? Your season is coming
Though you may be broken and barren, crushed and discouraged, hurting and shattered right now, God is not through with you yet. You may have, in some ways, become resigned to your fate, but God has a plan for your life. Your season of breakthrough and deliverance will come!
God is sending the help you need
There are some areas in your life where you really need help. You can’t fix what’s broken on your own. Perhaps, things have been out of sorts for a long time and you are crying out to God for a shift. Well, this word will encourage you to keep on believing God, and expecting your change to come!
God will do it totally & completely!
God has the power to turn your life around instantly. Expect your shift. God specializes in producing miraculous breakthroughs. No matter how bad it looks, how long it’s been, how difficult it is, and how unlikely it seems, our God is more than able to totally and completely shift things!
You don't have to do it
As you drink down the contents of your cup of inspiration today, you can take comfort in knowing that the greatest One of all is working for you. He’s got it all under control. By His spirit you will obtain everything He has for you and receive the promise.
A big breakthrough is coming!
For too long, the enemy has been lying to you, making you feel like God won’t do major things for you and through you. But this message is the Lord’s way of exposing that myth. Our great God is up to something awesome.
Wake up!
As you read this inspiration, may your heart and mind be awakened to the truth of Romans 8:37 that declares, in all these things, you are more than a conqueror! Whatever comes against, don’t worry, because God is for you. So wake up your courage. Wake up your confidence. See through God’s eyes.
Don't worry about it
Even if the enemy has waged war against your family, your finances, your health, your relationships, and ultimately, your divine destiny, it doesn’t change the fact that he is a defeated foe. You have victory. God fights for you. Don’t worry about it. God’s got you!
Going through a rainy season?
If you can see God in your situation and realize He is allowing it as a part of a good plan—even though it may not feel good now—you will be able to dance in the rain. You will have the right response to trouble. You will rejoice in affliction.
Your deliverance is guaranteed
God has a mighty plan of deliverance. He is going to restore what you’ve lost, replenish what is depleted and make all things new again. You can be confident and assured of God’s good purpose for you!
You are on the winning side
Rejoice. Laugh. Shout. Praise. No matter what it looks like right now, you have the victory. The enemy has come against you, but God’s favor belongs to you. You are on the winning side. This is already done!
When you don't understand why
Sometimes, you go through something so hard it devastates you. You don’t understand why God has allowed this. You’re seeking answers. What do you do when you don’t know why?
It is not a surprise to God
Though this may be a surprise to you, it is not a surprise to God. He already has a plan for you to be victorious, whole, renewed, restored and blessed beyond measure.