You don't have to do it
I got misty-eyed after church Sunday when City Church members brought gift bags to me in celebration of my 42nd birthday. I wasn’t expecting that. I feel so blessed just to be alive so everything else I received was icing on the cake.
After worship service we ate cupcakes, fellowshipped, posed for photographs and just enjoyed the moment. God is gracious. He healed my body and gave me my life back. He didn’t have to do it but I’m so glad He did! Forever I will search for ways to serve Him sacrificially.
Speaking of sacrifice, that is exactly what ministry is.
City Church, which is the inner-city startup ministry my husband Kenya and I lead together, is a labor of love. We took over the church this year after my father, who was my pastor, retired and relocated to Atlanta, GA. The building we’re in needs lots of work. Furthermore, getting the word out about the ministry is a great task. But I thank God for the challenges City Church presents. You know why? It gives God another opportunity to show up and show out as He always does.
There has never been a time that my husband Kenya or I launched out in obedience to God and He failed to show up, and bless the work. That has never happened. That’s why I look confidently forward to seeing all the ways God will empower and equip City Church to win souls for the Kingdom of God.
Friend, I have too much experience with the miracle-working power of God to doubt His word or His works. He is able to do absolutely anything. This I know for myself!
Perhaps you aren’t feeling quite so confident right now. Maybe you’re saying, Dianna, I know God is able but I’m struggling in my faith a little bit because of some problems I’m facing at the moment. If doubt is creeping up your back, weakening your backbone and trying to discourage your faith, hold on. There’s a scripture and a word I feel led to deposit into your spirit today. It’s Zechariah 4:6, which says, “'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.”
In this particular passage, we see the prophet Zechariah, whom God had anointed to prophesy to the Jews, receiving interpretation of a vision. Zechariah was instructed to pass revelation and insight along to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah. Zerubbabel was responsible for rebuilding the temple after the Jews returned from Babylonian exile. He had already laid the foundation of the temple, but there was much more work to be done.
In order for him not to be discouraged by the enormity of the task before him, God sent a word and a reminder that human strength and ability would not complete the assignment. The anointing of God would make the completion of the temple possible.
“God’s power is moving and working even in your worst situation. Right now, He is changing the outcome for the better!”
I love the fact that the word “Spirit” used in Zechariah 4:6 is the Hebrew word Ruach (pronounced roo'-akh), which means breath, wind, or spirit. It denotes the very breath of God. It is His power. This word is also used in Genesis 1:1-2 when God was creating the heavens and earth and the Spirit—the Ruach—of God hovered over the waters.
So then God told Zechariah that the same power that was at work during creation was the same power that would make the rebuild possible. The work of men’s hands would not get the job done; it was the spirit of God that would accomplish the work. Power was not in their hands, but God’s.
Friend, God has you reading this to let you know that His Ruach, His breath, His spirit, His power, is at work in your situation. It doesn’t matter that you feel inadequate and that the task is enormous. This is not a cause to worry. God knows there are some tough situations you’re facing and high mountains you can’t get over or around without His help. But He is going to move the mountain out of your way. You don’t know how to make it all work out. But God does and He will.
You don’t have to do it. God has favored you and already set you up to succeed in the things He has called you to do. As I said in today’s podcast, nothing can hinder your breakthrough!
The enemy would love for you to allow the hardship to discourage you. The devil wants you to focus on the obstacles, your personal weaknesses, shortcomings and deficiencies. But through this word today, God is refocusing you on His power. For Him, nothing is impossible. Through Him, you can do all things. So be encouraged. Remember who’s working for you, in you and through you.
The Ruach of God is hovering over your situation. He’s speaking over you just as He did in the beginning as Genesis 1 talks about.
God is speaking a “let there be” word over you. Let there be increase; let there be healing; let there be breakthrough; let there be restoration; let there be growth; let there be reconciliation; let there be more favor.
Whatever God speaks will happen. Whatever His spirit breathes on comes to life.
So get ready to rejoice, for God is speaking over and breathing on your situation! Know that God is going to prove Himself to you and complete the work. Just be steadfast. Don’t give up. Keep on pushing. And don’t forget to praise God in advance for what’s already done.
To remind you of the great power of the One you serve, I’m stirring Jeremiah 10:12 (NLT) into your cup of inspiration, which says, “But God made the earth by his power, and he preserves it by his wisdom. With his own understanding he stretched out the heavens.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, you can take comfort in knowing that the greatest One of all is working for you. He’s got it all under control. By His spirit you will obtain everything He has for you and receive the promise.
Now let’s pray.
God, I thank You for reminding me that by Your spirit, I have everything I need to overcome every obstacle and lay hold of my divine destiny. I will conquer every problem and adversity not by might, nor by power, but by Your spirit. I praise You for victory today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.