You’ve got supernatural strength!
Isn’t it good to know that the equipping power of God turns your weakness into strength? When God strengthens you, what could, would and should be impossible becomes possible. What was unbearable becomes bearable. What was unconquerable becomes conquerable. Go forth in His power!
God is giving you supernatural strength
What are you going through? How do you need God to manifest Himself in your circumstances? He will do it. There is no problem too big. There is no mountain too high. There is no challenge too great. There is no obstacle too imposing. He’s supernaturally strengthening you now!
You don't have to do it
As you drink down the contents of your cup of inspiration today, you can take comfort in knowing that the greatest One of all is working for you. He’s got it all under control. By His spirit you will obtain everything He has for you and receive the promise.
His power is working!
The next time you feel weak and discouraged, as if you won’t make it, remind yourself that God’s power is working in and through you, equipping you to do all things. He is changing situations that you can’t!
You have power!
You have the overcoming, equipping power of the Holy Spirit at work in you. There’s nothing you’re incapable of doing as long as you stay in God’s will. His favor and blessings flow through and to you!