Going through a rainy season?
Today, a memory came back to me of when our two sons, Kedar and Kaleb, were much younger. One day, they went into our backyard to make sure the grill cover was on during a rainstorm. After their mission was completed, the two decided not to come back inside right away.
When I peeked outdoors, I saw the pair with arms outstretched, eyes closed and faces toward the sky, twirling around in circles in the pouring rain. I stood there for a few seconds before breaking my silence.
“Boys, you two come inside,” I called out.
That classic oops-we’re-busted expression instantly covered Kedar’s face. Kaleb, who realized late that their private rain party was being broken up, looked timid and a bit embarrassed once he finally snapped back to reality.
I chuckled inside as our two dripping wet boys exchanged glances, giggled and ran through the doorway with rain-soaked tees and faces. Though I acted as a responsible adult should and hurried them out of their wet clothes, I thought it was the cutest thing ever.
What if we behaved like Kedar and Kaleb when showers of rain, representing negative circumstances, poured down in our lives? Instead of getting upset, being fearful or full of anxiety, what if we stretched our hands out, lifted our faces toward Heaven, and trusted God’s plan?
We can do this, but we must have the right point of view unlike Peter when officials came to arrest Jesus in John 18.
Though Christ knew that being seized, tortured, beaten and crucified, were all necessary parts of God’s plan to save the world from sin, Peter was looking at the situation from a human perspective. He just didn’t want any harm to come to Jesus.
So in verse 10, Simon Peter, who had a sword, whipped it out and cut off the high priest's servant’s right ear. The assault victim’s name was Malchus. Then Jesus told Peter to put back his sword and asked him “Shall I not drink the cup my Father has given me?”
“This may be a difficult season, but God’s hand is still in it. He’s spinning the outcome to make sure it works out favorably for you!”
See the difference in point of view? Jesus saw the negative circumstances as something God allowed for a much greater and better purpose. All Peter could see was what the enemy was trying to do. Ultimately, Peter was fighting against the purpose of God because it came packaged as a problem. Really, it was a solution.
Now I want you to get this: if you can see God in your situation and realize He is allowing it as a part of a good plan—even though it may not feel good now—you will be able to dance in the rain. You will have the right response to trouble. You will rejoice in affliction. You will still declare the promises of God. You won’t waver, faint or fret in the face of adversity. You will get soaked in the rainstorm and keep on trusting God anyway.
Remember in Mark 8:31-32, when Jesus discussed the things He would suffer and Peter rebuked Him? Well, I’m stirring the words Jesus spoke to Peter in verse 33 NLT, right into your cup of inspiration. He said, “Get away from me, Satan! You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's.’"
As you drink down the contents of your cup, remember this: what you see is not nearly as important as how you see. When it rains in your life, your perspective matters most. If you view the rain and adversity as something that has come to destroy you instead of something God will use to improve you, you will panic.
Don’t do it.
See your situation through God’s eyes. All this rain is merely watering the seeds of destiny God has planted in the garden of your heart. And at just the right time, those seeds will blossom and spring up into a mighty harvest of blessings. Be encouraged.
Now let’s pray for those who asked to be included on our “Thoughtful Thursdays” intercessory prayer list today.
Nancy wrote:
The doctor found a tumor in my breast a couple months ago. My oncologist says it is stage 2. I am trying not to worry Ms. Dianna. I know God healed your mother of breast cancer and I believe He will do the same for me. Please pray for a successful treatment and for me to stop worrying so much. Thank you for being an encouragement!
Deborah wrote:
I don’t know what to do about my marriage. My husband has been cheating repeatedly for the past 5 years. I know about his multiple affairs and I know I have biblical grounds to leave. I don’t know if I should stay and fight or go. Intercede for my decision making that God would give me guidance. I don’t want to waste my life and I also don’t want to act off of emotion.
Anonymous wrote:
My 21-year-old daughter tried to take her life last night. She has been battling depression for the past few years. I never thought she would do something like this. I don’t know what to do. Lift up me and my family. Blessings on you!
Anonymous wrote:
Have you ever felt like life is falling apart and nothing is working out? That’s how I feel. I just went through a bad breakup. I lost my job and my mother is dying of cancer. I feel like why me? I have lost all my joy and hope. I need a lifeline. I need prayer!!!
Anonymous wrote:
Good evening and God bless. I am living in South Africa, married with 3 children. I am from a Muslim background but gave my heart to Jesus over 30 years. I have been struggling for most of my married life. I have severe arthritis in every joint in my body. I also have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I am in constant pain, besides going through financial strain. I have just read Dianna Hobbs’ story. I am amazed by her story. I believe the Lord can also do the same for me. Please keep me in prayer. I am emotionally stressed. I am going through a tough patch in my life. I am trusting the Lord for total restoration in every area of my life. Thank you. God bless.
Anonymous wrote:
I'm asking for prayers for my family. My spouse and I are trying to start fresh, but the past keeps creeping up. We feel hurt and anger and yet are trying to do everything we can to keep our family together. Please pray strength and forgiveness through these trying times. Thank you, God bless!
Anonymous wrote:
I have been single for almost 5 years now. I’m 27 years old with no kids and I get discouraged because it seems like I have been praying and praying and I’m still patiently waiting on God for an answer. I was in my past relationship for almost 6 years which left me heartbroken and disappointed. I have always wanted to be married and have a family one day. It just gets hard sometimes to stay encouraged when I see all of my friends and loved ones getting married and having children. I just wonder is there something wrong with me? I wonder why have I been single for 5 years? It just gets discouraging. All I can do is keep the faith and wait until my season comes. I would like prayer that God will keep me encouraged in this season of singleness and that He has not forgotten about me even though I feel so alone and wondering will I ever be married and have a family of my own one day.
Anonymous wrote:
My husband Bill went on a mission trip to Haiti and contracted Malaria. Prayers are much needed.
Kelly wrote:
I love you and your blog so much. Your inspirations have been everything. I just started college for the first semester and I struggle with a lot of anxiety. I would appreciate any prayers you could send my way. Thank you so much and God bless you and your entire team.
Now let’s pray.
God, when I feel tempted to worry about the rainstorms of life, please remind me that this did not come to destroy me. But rather, this trial will turn into a great triumph and will be a testimony of Your greatness, grace, favor, and ability to see anyone through life’s challenges. Through it all, I believe You are with me and have a mighty plan for my deliverance. No matter what, I trust You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
If you need prayer, don't hesitate to request it. I would be honored to stand in faith with You. I know that prayer works. CLICK HERE to learn how to submit your prayer request.