One of Those Frustrating Days
In this raw and honest devotional, Dianna Hobbs shares a powerful truth: God works most visibly through our weaknesses. If you're feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, or stuck, this message is for you.
The Struggle is because You are Chosen
Nobody craves the furnace of public trials, the humiliation that trouble and tragedy can bring. Yet, in that very furnace, in the midst of the fire, God is at work. He is refining you, polishing you, preparing you to shine with a brilliance that reflects His glory. Your struggle is because you’re chosen!
God is in your hard place
Have you ever felt stuck between a rock and a hard place in your life and didn’t know what to do? In these moments, Christ the Rock of our salvation is there in the midst of it all. If you are going through personal challenges, through this message, the Lord is confirming His presence and promises.
Going through it? God will restore you
You may be going through now, but God will restore you back to a place of wholeness, equilibrium, prosperity, and joy. Though the journey is not easy and you may be feeling low, uncertain, and confused about this unfamiliar place of struggle, there is better on the other side of this! Be encouraged.
You are anointed—even in bad times.
When you go through hardships and are commissioned to fulfill difficult assignments, it’s natural to feel frustrated, down, and discouraged. Despite how you feel, the truth remains that you are anointed for this test, called for this hour, and equipped to endure this season. Hang in there!
A Surplus in the Wilderness
Prepare for exceeding, abundantly, above blessings. Oh, yes. They’re on the way. You can go ahead and proclaim that every need is met. Every way is made. Every dry place is watered. And every circumstance where there is lack, God is sending abundance.
C'est la vie (That's life!)
We may get knocked down from time to time. C'est la vie. That’s life. But what we won’t do is stay down! We will rise again. And not only that, but we will also come back stronger, better, more blessed and favored than before. If you’re going through some troubles now, trouble don’t last always!
God sent the storm
There are great things God wants to do for you and through you that can only be accomplished by the storm. I know going through hard times can frustrate you, disappoint you, and make you wonder if you’ll really make it. But God is telling you, the storm He sent is part of His master plan.
God is with you in the wreckage
Sometimes, storms rip through all of our lives, leaving us shattered and wrecked. But did you know that God is in the wreckage with you? That’s not all. At the appointed time, He will put the pieces of your life back together. Continue to hope in God. He will never leave you!
God is with you in the dark
Today, hear the voice of the Good Shepherd reminding you that He loves you; that He doesn’t want you to be afraid; that He wants you to be confident that He is walking with you in the darkest, deepest valleys; and that He will see to it that no weapon formed against you will prosper.
You can’t skip the process
It will rain in your life. You will have hard times. You will cry. There will be tragedy and trauma. All these things are unavoidable, and none of us gets to skip over the process of going through struggles. But God will work it out for your good, turn your mourning into dancing, and your tragedy into triumph!
God is in this place
You are never alone. Whatever place you find yourself in, God is there. He’s speaking to you now and reaching out to you in your situation to assure you that He guides you and has good plans for you. Just as the Lord promised to bless Jacob and his seed, He promises to bless you also.
The storm can't stop your favor!
Your foundation is built upon Christ, and you are rooted and grounded in Him. Therefore, you don’t have to worry when the storm rages and the wind beats against your house. When your confidence is in God, your faith will remain intact, and the storm can’t stop your favor!
God is in control of 2020
God, who is always in control, covers you, protects you, secures you, and equips you in every circumstance. Victory is yours and so is His divine favor. Knowing this, go ahead and walk boldly through 2020 and beyond with full assurance that everything will be just fine.
Stay the course in difficult times
If you’re in a space where things aren’t going the way you planned and you’re feeling a bit down, don’t give up. Be prayerful. Submit to God’s will for your life. He will lead you down the right path and guide you through difficult changes. If you stay the course, He’ll bless you!
A season of failure
If you are in a season of failure, God has His eye on you. He understands your plight, and He won’t let you be destroyed under the weight of this trial. God wants you to call on His name, and tell Him what you need. He will hear and answer, and He will bring you out of this low place into a place of victory!
Soon, the struggle will end
There are some seasons when God allows intense trials and challenges to strengthen your core, your conviction, and your faith. He uses trouble to get you ready for the good things He has waiting for you. So dig deep. You only have a little while left. Soon, you will come out of this stronger and better.
Going through a rainy season?
If you can see God in your situation and realize He is allowing it as a part of a good plan—even though it may not feel good now—you will be able to dance in the rain. You will have the right response to trouble. You will rejoice in affliction.
Devil, you can't have my peace!
Satan is on a mission to steal your peace, distract you and break your focus. He does this to get you off track and thwart your purpose. But don’t fall for it. Refuse to be distracted and worried.