Soon, the struggle will end
Yesterday I completed a workout session that targeted my abdominal muscles, and boy was it ever painful! But I didn’t give up despite wanting to, because I want a strong core—especially after having a hysterectomy and a ministroke several months ago—and I have to work for that.
If you’ve been keeping up with me, you are already aware that my 16-year-old son Kedar is my trainer, and he pushes me past what I think I can do. When I wince, groan and scream out in pain, he says, “Come on, you can do it!”
Wednesday morning, after completing my core workout and telling Kedar how painful it was, he told me something that stuck with me. He said, “Anybody can do the exercises I have you doing, but whether or not someone gets strong and gets results depends on how much pain they can take.” He then reiterated, “It’s all about how much pain someone can take.”
Wow, I thought. That’s so true. The exercises themselves are not that difficult, but when those pain signals reach the brain, all the burning and aching makes you want to quit. So I try to remind myself often that what feels like it’s hurting me is actually helping me, and this gives me the motivation I need to continue challenging this 43-year-old body and pushing myself. As the saying goes, no pain, no gain. Right?
Even in our walk of faith, through pain, hardship and suffering, we become strong and victorious. Paul the Apostle fittingly says in 2 Timothy 2:12 NLT, “If we endure hardship, we will reign with him.” In other words, we must endure the rain in order to reign with God. We cannot experience His power and receive the benefits of a committed relationship with Him without going through tough times.
Paul knew this so well. In fact, while writing 2 Timothy, he was chained and confined to a cold Roman prison cell at a time when Christians were being persecuted relentlessly by the Roman Emperor, Nero. Times had gotten so bad that Paul had been abandoned by pretty much everyone, because they feared persecution. Yet, he continued to cling to hope despite the pain and hardship.
This year, God has impressed it upon my heart to encourage you to keep pushing through the pain, because the pain is only temporary. However, God’s word and the benefits of your patient endurance are eternal.
“There is a payoff at the end of your trial. The answers you have been praying for, the outcome you have been believing for, and the victory you have been anticipating is on the other side of trouble. ”
1 Peter 5:10 ESV says, “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”
In this passage, the Greek word for “a little while” is “oligos,” meaning, “few, little, or small.” And here, it means a short time period. So then, Scripture assures you that this trouble won’t last long. The intense trials, attacks and persecution may go on for a little while, but after that, the Lord will restore you. He will renew you. He will make you strong. He will bring you out. He will set you free. He will lift you up. He will make all things new. And you’ll look back on this and declare, I made it through!
Daily Cup family, during my ab workout yesterday, I was doing leg lifts. I had to lie down on my back, put my arms down at my sides, lift my head off the floor, and raise my legs up and down in slow, deliberate motions without allowing them to touch the floor. And at one point, the pain and fatigue was so great, my legs collapsed, and I moaned in agony. I was sure I did not have one ounce of strength left in me.
But Kedar said, “Come on. You can do it… only ten more seconds!” And though it hurt, I dug deep and lifted my legs again. There was something about knowing that I only had a small amount of time left before the pain ended that helped me push harder. Thank the Lord I got through it, and I felt a huge sense of accomplishment!
And you know what? You’ll get through it too—whatever your “it” is. You may be sick right now. Struggling in school. Having problems at work. Dealing with unemployment. Trying to get physically fit. Facing challenges in a relationship. Battling mental and emotional issues. Feeling stuck in a toxic situation. Working through financial problems. Grappling with grief and loss. Weathering a storm of controversy. You could be going through any number of things, but you’ll be okay. Soon, the struggle will end, and if you don’t give up, you will reap a mighty harvest (Galatians 6:9)!
There are some seasons when God allows intense trials and challenges to strengthen your core, your conviction, and your faith. He uses trouble to get you ready for the good things He has waiting for you. So dig deep. You only have a little while left. Soon, you will come out of this stronger and better.
To encourage you to keep on pushing, I’m stirring 2 Timothy 2:3 NKJV into your cup of inspiration, which says, “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, remember, although this may be hard, God, for whom nothing is too hard, is dwelling within you and equipping you to go through. And if you don’t quit, in the end—which is just a short time away—you will look in retrospect and thank God you made it!
Now, let’s pray.
God, I am facing some personal hardships and challenges right now. I don’t really know how to deal with everything that’s going on, but You do. Please strengthen me, and help me to keep going. As I endure this season, thank You for favoring me, equipping me, and assuring me that the struggle is temporary, and breakthrough and victory is imminent. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you desire prayer, please allow me, along with my intercessory prayer team, to stand in faith with you for breakthrough. We would be so honored. We have seen God work over and over again. There is power in agreement. Click here to request prayer now.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!