Soon, the struggle will end
There are some seasons when God allows intense trials and challenges to strengthen your core, your conviction, and your faith. He uses trouble to get you ready for the good things He has waiting for you. So dig deep. You only have a little while left. Soon, you will come out of this stronger and better.
Positioned to be blessed
In this season, you’re going to cross paths with the right people. God is going to cause blessings to chase you down. He is going to connect the dots for you and create incredible outcomes that are beneficial to you, and His Kingdom.
Something good is coming out of this
If you are uncomfortable and fretting, stop worrying and being anxious. Instead, plant your feet and know that God is bringing something good out of this. He is allowing you to walk on this bumpy road because it’s leading to destiny!
You are on God’s mind
Whether it feels like it or not, know that you are always on God’s mind and He is constantly rearranging things, altering circumstances and breaking routines just to show you favor. He loves you that much!
Heaven is responding to your cry
Prepare to dance and shout the victory because of the way God showed up. God sent you this word to encourage you to remain courageous and filled with confidence in the God of our salvation.
This pit cannot hold you
You’re coming out of this. No matter how low you are or how much is going wrong, God has a plan to deliver you. Know that you will not be confined to this dark, low place, with no sign of deliverance, forever.
Devil, you can't have my peace!
Satan is on a mission to steal your peace, distract you and break your focus. He does this to get you off track and thwart your purpose. But don’t fall for it. Refuse to be distracted and worried.