Heaven is responding to your cry
Growing up, Dad often warned me and my siblings, saying to us, “You better not play no Blues music in my house!”
Now, when you think of the Blues, you may think about songs about being scorned, unable to find true love, and feeling sad about a failed relationship. You likely think about a specific genre or style. There may even be a few songs you know that qualify as authentic Blues music.
But when my father talked about Blues music, it had nothing to do with the melancholy melodies or style that originated in the Deep South. My father, who was both a preacher and my longtime pastor, classified any music that wasn’t gospel as Blues music.
Pop, Rock, Hip Hop, Country… it was all Blues music to him.
My siblings and I still laugh about that to this day.
Actual Blues music is known for being sad. Even if we move away from the literal genre and focus on the cliché phrase, “singing the blues,” both the genre and the phrase deal with sad songs.
For someone reading, the events of your life would make great material for a Blues song. And if you allowed yourself to do so, it would be easy to slip into a pattern of singing the blues. With so many things going wrong and after dealing with lots of misfortunes, you could easily let yourself get down in the dumps. But I believe the Lord sent you here today to inform you that your life is about to change. The details of what you face day-to-day will no longer fit the Blues narrative.
Change is coming and you will feel joyful the way David did in Psalm 18. For a season, he was going through tragedy after tragedy, hardship after hardship, and attack after attack. King Saul, his relentless rival, pursued him and put David on the run. Many other enemies came after him as well, often leaving this anointed worshiper feeling forsaken and discouraged.
But David had a new song to sing after deliverance came. And God led me straight to it during my time of quiet devotion this morning in Psalm 18.
In verse 5, David recounted, “In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.”
When David cried, God helped. When the Lord’s servant was distressed, God delivered him. It didn’t happen overnight, but indeed, deliverance did come. In verses 16-19, David said, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.”
As you can see, David was in over his head. He wasn’t strong enough to contend with the enemy. He wasn’t powerful enough to win the battle. He didn’t have the ability to defeat his reckless and persistent foes. But God did. The Lord waged war against the enemy. Heaven responded to David’s cries.
“God is showing up in a mighty way. He is shifting your circumstances and moving in ways that will transform your life for the better!”
And when Heaven responds, things happen. When God shows up, enemies are scattered. When the Lord answers, doors open. When the Almighty One intervenes, the impossible is made possible.
Well friend, I’ve got good news for you today. The same God that heard David’s distressing cries and answered him, is answering you. Heaven is responding to your cries!
The enemy will not win. You will not be defeated. The Lord won’t let it happen. Victory is already yours. Every need is met and every way is made because you, the Lord’s faithful servant, have called upon His name. It pleases Him to deliver you, because He delights in you.
He loves you. He cares for you. He has favored you. He has promised to bless you. He has assured you of deliverance. He has vowed to bring you out with a mighty hand and He will not fail you. He will get glory. He will place His majesty, dominion and power on display. You’re coming into better days. God is increasing you. It is His will and good pleasure to rescue you and exalt you out of this low place.
Heaven is responding to your cries right now.
To remind you of this truth, I’m stirring the words of David, taken from Psalm 18:19 NIV, into your cup of inspiration, which says, “He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.”
As you drink down the contents of your cup, get ready to sing a new song of praise. Prepare to dance and shout the victory because of the way God showed up. God sent you this word to encourage you to remain courageous and filled with confidence in the God of our salvation. Place your hope in Him as never before.
He will richly reward you for your persistent faith in Him. Through your life, all will see and know, we serve a God who answers.
Now let’s pray.
God, I have been under attack at every turn. The enemy has relentlessly pursued me and it feels, sometimes, like the walls of life are caving in on me. But thank You that You are my refuge and mighty deliverer. I have placed my hope and confidence in You. I know You will not fail me. I believe with all my heart and declare that You hear my call and can be trusted to show up on my behalf, and deliver me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
As always, thanks for reading and until next time... may today's cup of inspiration uplift, encourage, and empower you!
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