A biblical perspective on suffering
If you’re going through something right now, this is a word for you. God allowed it to happen. Therefore, even though the enemy meant it for evil, the Lord will cause it to turn out for your deliverance and work out for our good. So keep your head held high. God is indeed up to something good!
A season of failure
If you are in a season of failure, God has His eye on you. He understands your plight, and He won’t let you be destroyed under the weight of this trial. God wants you to call on His name, and tell Him what you need. He will hear and answer, and He will bring you out of this low place into a place of victory!
Going through a rainy season?
If you can see God in your situation and realize He is allowing it as a part of a good plan—even though it may not feel good now—you will be able to dance in the rain. You will have the right response to trouble. You will rejoice in affliction.